As I followed my GPS toward the store, I notice just how small this town was. Most of the stores are located in the town square. It looks almost like something out of a fairytale. I laugh a little at myself for thinking that. I have always been an avid reader, and sometimes I think it is to my detriment. I try to stay in reality because my life is certainly not a fairytale. It is without a doubt as boring and unhopeful as you can get in some opinions.
I still have hope though. I hope that I will get into a good college and will escape my family. I don’t think my parents hate me. I think they're easily influenced by my sister. Even after all this time, I still don't know what changed in my family.
I get out of my car and start to walk around looking at all the different shops. There is a small house goods store, a book store, grocery, and even a clothing store. They all have the name Henson in the title. I am guessing that a rich family started this little town, and that is why the names are all the same.
I notice that the book store has a help wanted sign in the window. I need a job to keep my parents from wondering where I am getting all the money from. I don’t trust them. As unreal as it may sound I have made enough money that I would never have to work again. The stock market can be a magical thing once you figure out how to use it. I have worked hard to keep that a secret from my parents because I've got the fear that they will take it. I do not want my future at risk because of their incompetence.
My family was never well off in the money department. Once they learned that I was working, they often asked to borrow money. The thing is when you borrow something, you return it. My parents never returned anything. They take and then pretend that it never happened.
People think that I'm crazy for being so concerned about my family stealing my money. My family knows that I have a soft spot for them, and they use that to manipulate me. I can't remember all of the times that I have fallen into their trap, only to learn later on that it was all a trick.
As I make my way into the bookstore, I see that it's a good size without being too much. The shelves look immaculate, and I find myself falling in the love with the store. A man around my father’s age walks up to me and smiles. I can tell this store is his life, and he loves every second of it.
“May I help you find anything, Miss?” His smile is gentle, and I can’t help but smile back.
“Well, yes and no. I saw that you were looking for help, and also where is your classics section?” The man began to chuckle no doubt at my bluntness about it all.
“The classics are along the back left wall, and I am Gregory Henson owner of this fine establishment. Are you looking for a job miss?” He holds his hand out, and I take it smiling. For some reason, this man has a very calming effect on me.
“Ophelia Harris. Yes, I am looking for a part-time job while I finish high school.” He smiles again. I see a bubbly-looking blonde come walking from the back and makes her way over to us.
“This is my niece Maggie who works at the weekends. I’m looking for someone to work Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings from four to eight. Do you have any experience?” Both people stand there and stare at me like I am the answer to their collective prayers.
“Yes, I worked in a small shop in my home town and also in the local library. Those hours would be perfect for me. Would there be a chance for an interview?”
“No need you’re hired. You can start training with Maggie and me on Tuesday.” He smiles at me again before heading off to help a customer.
“Thank god you’re here. He was dying to find some help that wasn’t just trying to either get in his or my brother’s pants.” Maggie laughs as she says this.
“What? You’ve got to be kidding me. I know it’s his shop but come on. Looks aren’t all that important.” I shake my head at the thoughts of people who only look for the superficial things in life.
"See most girls would argue that looks and money are all that is important." She says rolling her eyes.
"And that would be the reason why most of them are shallow."
“I like you, Ophelia. Maybe I will finally have a friend that will like me for me, and not who my family is. What are you doing now? Would you like to hang out?” She has a look of hope that I can’t seem to ignore.
“Well, if you want, you can come with me. I need to buy some things for my apartment and some food. I would love the company. I’m going, to be honest, I haven’t really had a friend in a long time, and it feels like I can trust you.”
Maggie gives me a smile that's like the sun and nods her head furiously letting me know she wants to come. Over the next couple of hours, we get dinner and shop. We talk about everything. Maggie is a few years older and goes to a nearby college. We share about our families and the issues that they have caused us. Maggie’s family is amazing, and they love her a lot. She has issues with people using her to get to them.
They are extremely wealthy, and many try to get that and her apparent greek god of a brother.
We head to the shops and start getting the things that I will need to function. Kitchen supplies are a must since I will be feeding myself. Even with all the money I have saved, I still prefer to cook for myself. Eating out all the time is unhealthy, and it would raise questions.
"You know it seems like you are on your own. Do your parents not support you?" Maggie asks as we are shopping for food.
"That is the question of the day!" I chuckle at myself knowing that I have to give her an answer. "My family lives in the house and I live in the apartment above the garage. My sister hates me and so my parents tend to listen to her. I have no idea what I could have done to make her like that. So, when we moved here my mom gave me the apartment and said that they would help with utilities but that I am own my own."
"How can they do that?" Outrage is clear in her voice.
"I'm eighteen. They have no more legal obligation to me."
We continue to talk about the situation, and Maggie slowly starts to understand more. If you had asked me a week ago if I thought I would ever open up to someone, I would have said no. There is just something about Maggie that makes me feel like I can tell her anything. I feel like she would never judge me.
Even though our situations are the same, I still feel a bond with her. She has had problems having friends because of her brother. I have had problems because of my sister. We are like two halves that could make a whole.
Maggie takes tons of selfies with me and says she can’t wait to show her mom that she finally found her sister. I laugh, knowing that I feel the same way about her. After we unload everything into my apartment, she helps me get organized and says that she could help me find some furniture if I want to.
“Let me think about it. I don’t really want to plan on staying in this place long. I really would rather be somewhere I felt at home.” She nods, knowing that I would rather be away from my sister, where I could feel safe from her prying eyes.
“Well, I will let you get settled since you start school in the morning. Call me if you need me, and I’ll catch up with you tomorrow night to see how your first day went.” She hugs me and walks out the door. Maybe I was wrong about the new start. Maybe just maybe, I can finally start to live the life that I had always hoped to have.
With these thoughts, I get myself ready for bed. I lay there thinking about what tomorrow will be like. Will I like the school? Will there be the same kinds of problems that I had in the last one? I have no clue what tomorrow will bring. But I do know that I am one day closer to my dream.