Process Of Adding Core

It has been 3 days since Fang Chen stopped refining the grade one swords and started to focus on grade 1 sabers. 

In 3 days he was able to refine a saber and he was able to perfect the process of refining. meaning he can refine sabers and a sword perfectly without making any mistakes.

Aside from that he had also started to focus on a new weapon which is a spear and he was able to refine the spear till the last process when during the last process of quenching and he was unsuccessful.

The spear was a new type of weapon and the reason behind him for to focus on this type of weapon was because aside from swords and saber the only type of grade one spirit weapon was spear meaning this there was multiple different types of spears and swords and sabers in the damaged weapons provided by Tian Cai.