
The Teacher From Hollywood

Narrated by Alex

Well, the test was okay.

The punch was easy, and I made a good dent in the metal. I was sloppy in the tunnel though. Why was the guy wearing a duck? A duck? Like, what was going on? I heard someone asking me what the color of my underwear was, and I snapped. I got a pulse check, and a guy pushed me back a few steps, just by touching me. Weird day.

Anyways, I got my ID, and details. The results read:

Name : Alex Bridges





Energy Control:C


Class : B

Teacher to report to : Oliver Benji

Class B, huh? At least not on the bottom of the order. And I had to report to this Oliver Benji guy. I wondered who else would be there with me...

I found John relaxing on a bench, and sat down next to him.

"How was the test?" I asked.

"Oh, it was okay....."

"Class A?"

"Nah. B"

"Same! Who you reporting to?"

"Some Oliver Benji?"

"Wow! Same! We're in the same group!"

John smiled,"Now, that's a great thing."

"I wonder who else would be there? Three more people!"

"Let's hope we get a good enough team."

The door of the middle building opened, and a flurry of men came out. Each of them wore a black formal suit, and had a badge with the Institute logo on it. The teachers. They each held their cell phones, which probably had the student list on it. They began grouping their students together, and soon almost all the students were in separate groups. We hadn't found this Oliver Benji person yet, and only a few teachers were still gathering. I caught sight of Gordon sleeping on the bench, and a few students making fun of him.

The school gates opened, and in came a supercar! It looked pretty expensive, so the owner must be a millionaire at the least. The door opened, and out came a Hollywood actor - or so it looked. He had long blonde hair up to his neck, and a beard, which made him look like modern-day Thor from the movies. He sported a leather jacket and khaki pants, with black sneakers. His fashion sense was out of this world. He checked his phone, and looked around, until his eyes landed on me and John. He smiled, and walked towards us. Was he Oliver Benji? Such a cool teacher!

He walked to us, and smiled,"Good morning! May I ask something?"

I replied excitedly,"Please ask!"

"Do you know where I can find Gordon Grimm? He's my new student."

"Gordon?" I asked, disappointed. Gordon was such a lucky guy. He got such a cool teacher. Well, this guy wasn't Oliver Benji.

The man laughed, and said,"Oh my, I loved that expression! Alex Bridges, right?"

"Y-yeah.." I answered. How did he know my name? Was he actually.....

"Oliver Benji here! Glad to be your new teacher! Hope we have a good time together!" he beamed. 

A grin formed on my face. I got what I wanted. But Gordon was in our class too. Great.

"Well, treat me like a friend, of course, but I'd like to be called Mr. Benji. Master Benji also works. I see that John Will's here too! Hi!"

John smiled, and said,"Hi, Mr. Benji"

Benji nodded, and said,"Alright, two more to go."


"Yeah, we've got only four students for my batch. I am the last teacher they'd go to, anyways."

"Why? Did something happen?"

"A lot," his face turned serious for a moment, then he smiled again,"but it doesn't concern anyway. Let's go! Two more left. Gordon Grimm, and Anne Clautmare."

We went to Gordon, who was waking up.

"What do you want?" He grumbled as he woke up.

Benji smiled,"Well, hello Gordon. I'm your new teacher, Oliver Benji!"

"Hello, Ollie. Care for a game of Volley?" Gordon put on a forced smile.

"I'd love to, but we got one more student to grab," Benji said, and walked into the park.

We followed him, and we reached the bullied girl. She was in our class too?

"Anne Clautmare?" Benji asked as he reached her.

"Yes. How can I help you?" The girl asked him.

"I'm Oliver Benji. And your new teacher! I hope we enjoy our time together!"

The girl smiled, and looked at us. She probably regretted looking, because as soon as she got a glimpse of John, she blushed and turned away. Gordon scoffed, and I elbowed John,"We just saw. She blushed."

John elbowed me back,"Shut your trap dude."

I laughed, just as Benji turned to us,"Alright then. I'll be back in some time. You guys can get to know each other while I come!

He turned and walked to the building.

John turned to Anne,"Hey," and reached into his pocket, pulling out a silver bracelet,"I think you dropped this?"

Anne blushed a bit more,"Th-thanks, b-but I wanted to give it you as a th-thank you..."

"Oh, is it? That's very kind of you. Thanks!" He slid it into his pocket again, as Anne turned away once again.

I elbowed him again,"Congratulations, you got your first gift from her.."

"Well, I'll take it as her showing her gratitude for me saving her. Not anything else."

I suppressed my laughter,"You're breaking her heart again."

John took a deep breath, and turned to me,"Isn't that good for you? You'll get a 'gal' then."

"Whoa. I won't even try to impress her. She ain't my type anyways. She's too afraid, too shy, too blushy, and she's all yours."

John took another deep breath. He was clearly annoyed. He turned to Gordon, who seemed to enjoy our conversations,"Well, we're classmates now. Can we have peace between us?"

Gordon snapped,"Oh, you wish, punk. That's never happening. I'll make you pay for embarrassing me. And you, girl. You too!"

John said,"Get to her after you get through me."

"Mark my words, I will. I surely will."

"We'll see."

They both stared each other down, as Benji appeared,"So, socialising done? Great! We won't be doing our lessons here. I have a good place. Let's go, class Benji!"

"Class Benji?" John asked.

"Yes! Our class' name! Let's go!"