
The woman curled her lips, and she moved her face close to his as if readying herself for a bottomless kiss.


Bam! She struck his forehead and broke free from his uninvited embrace.

“You did not earn that title yet,” the woman rubbed her hand in irritation.

“Oh? It’s a title now is it?” Vincent asked. “So what do I have to do to earn that title?”

The woman gave a faint smile in return. The layer of frost covering her frame melted and drained inside, for it revealed her porcelain skin underneath. Cyan hair poured down from her crown, reaching just below her waist. She grabbed the ends of her hair and bundled them up in multiple braids.

“Pretty, is it not?” she asked.

“Not bad,” Vincent replied.

“Just not bad?” her indigo eyes turned cold.

Icicles jutted out from her porcelain skin. They soon melted and drizzled into a hazy deluge. Coiling around her frame, they fitted over her into an apparition of a blue silken gown.