
"Wake up darling." A soft voice spoke. It was as smooth as honey and filled the listener with a sense of comfort. Jenny opened her eyes slowly and was temporarily blinded by the bright light before her. Blinking in confusion, she looked for the source of the voice as she remembered everything that had happened before she passed out. Nina, Leo, Lucas, Mirai,the pit, Rye, Layna and arrogant James. What happened? She could see any one of them and to make things worse she did not know where she was again. She could not understand what was going on.

Her eyes surveyed the room thoroughly. She noticed that her body was smaller and she was lying down on a comfortable bed in a room that was painted sky blue with a a beautiful floral design stretching across the ceiling, it was an amazing room. Continuing her examination of the room, a beautiful tall woman caught her eyes. She had lovely midnight locks rolling down her slender shoulders, captivating jet black eyes, and a smile which any deity would envy. Jenny's breath stopped short. Tears weld in her eyes as her heart strings felt like they were being plucked violently by the devil himself.

Her eyes met the eyes she had longed to see in a long time.

"Mother!" She shrieked as she scrambled desperately out of the sheets that were wrapped around her and dashed int the woman's hands. Placing her head in the crook of her mother's neck, she let out heart wrenching wails as tears flowed endlessly from her eyes." You were gone! I missed you mum." she sobbed out wretchedly, hugging her with even more earnest. Her mother had a dumbfounded look on her face.

"It was just a dream Jen..I'm always here." She said soothingly as she rubbed her back softly in her endeavour to comfort her daughter. She slowly rocked her body as she tightly held onto the grieving child. A few seconds passed with Jenny's head buried in the crook of her mothers neck. Beep! The door slid open and a tall figure rushed. It was brown haired man with a neat stubble, well built and enchanting emerald eyes.

"What happened." He said anxiously as he drew closer to them. Jenny lifted her head and met the mans eyes with her teary eyes. Her grief became vulnerability. " Daddy?!"

The man moved closer with a stunned look on his face and wrapped his arms around the two. "You haven't called me that since you were said six year old kids are to big to call their father's daddy...what's the matter honey?" He asked Jenny with concern lacing hie voice.

"You were gone! You-you and mommy!" She wailed miserably as she stretched her hands to wrap around both her parents. The man's face showed light indulgence as he rubbed Jenny's head.

"Oh! Honey, it was all a dream...see were here!" He said softly with a broad smile on his face. However, like his words of comfort fell on deaf ears, Jenny was unable to stop the tears flowing from her eyes. The couple continued to comfort the child patiently until finally the tears ran dry as the girl started to believe that the ten years since her parents passed away was all a dream.

This had to be reality. Even if she couldn't trust her own turbulent emotions she trust what she felt. She could feel their warmth, the heartbeat of her mother who held her close and the strong arm of her father rubbing her hair. She smiled...those ten years had to be a dream.

Seeing her smile, he father let out a sigh of relief. They had been comforting he for two hours, they had even moved to the bed to sit down. "Are you okay honey?" He asked Jenny softly. Jenny nodded wordlessly. Her father moved to the connected bathroom and came out with a wet cloth to wipe her tear streaked face. He smiled," that's good, now why don't we go eat our breakfast?" He asked as he wiped her face. Jenny nodded again.

Her mother chucked," You two... why don't we eat Jenny's favourite pancakes!" she said excitedly. Jenny nodded again. The couple smiled looked at each other and stood up, with Jenny being carried on the hip of her mother. They walked to a down the corridor passing many windows tat overlooked the galactic atmosphere, just as it had been before that horrible dream. Her parents were wealth entrepreneurs who lived a happy life in space with their only daughter away from the polluted and crowded planet earth. She smiled once more.

Upon reaching the moderately sized dining which was splendidly decorated, the family sat down together and enjoyed the service of their robotic servants. They talked, laughed, and ate to their fill. It was perfect. It was nothing like that dream.

Red. Sirens. "INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!" the system security system rang constantly. The peace was gone. Her mother grabbed her hand with a startled look on her face and began to ran, her husband following close behind. " Henry! What's going on?" She exclaimed as she dragged Jenny.

"I don't know Raven... but first we need to be somewhere safe." He said urgently as his wife nodded. Jenny's calm state disappeared as a realisation hit her. As the realisation hit, her mother fell on her knees whilst her father stopped dead, blood staining his chest. Jenny pulled out of her mothers arms and looked at her gazed into her teary eyes. Her father took shaky steps towards his family and fell on his knees pulling them into his embrace. This had all happened before, it was the day it all began.

"We shouldn't have let them put that beast in her, look at the result... they all want her." Her mother chocked out as tears cascaded down her face like a waterfall.

"I know...but they would have hunted her if they knew about her revival power." He said miserably. They both looked at Jenny with sorrow in their eyes.

"Listen Jenny, we need you to ran to our room honey and activate the emergency escaped p-" her mother's hurried instructions were interrupted when she vomited blood.

"Little girl! Little girl! where are youuu!" A chilling voice sang loudly over the alarm and siren.

"Run Jenny.Run." Her father said urgently.Jenny felt her heart being squeezed in her chest. Seeing her fear her father rubbed her back and forced a smile on his face. Her mother lifted her worn out face and joined her husband in smiling at their daughter. "We love you honey." Her father used all his strength to breath out " run!"He finished as his wife pushed Jenny forward.

Jenny staggered, tears in flowing down her eyes once more and she pushed herself to move forward, with her grief weighing her down. Running while knowing her parents were dying behind her, her body felt numb. She continued moving forward and just when she took the corner to go to her parent's room, she bumped into a blurry figure.

She looked up as the heavy realisation hit her. It was him, that devil. The one whose crew invaded her home to steal her to sell her, and put her through hell. This was playing out exactly as before, as her dream... but was it really a dream, was this really reality. She felt her mind spinning as her heart beat sporadically. Is this reality or a dream?