With great power...

Remaining in the warm embrace, their torrent of tears gushed down their cheeks like a turbulent stream. Each tear was like a droplet from murky ocean of despondent and despairing emotions that drowned their hearts. Thirty minutes passed with the four crying until their eyes run dry and they emerged from their pitiful emotional stupor.

Leo flew out of Jenny's arms, trying yet failing to take Mirai and Lucas with him due to the two's reluctance to leave Jenny. Like a cornered animal, he moved away from Jenny cautiously but not too far away because of the two who were still in her arms. Seeing his obvious hostility towards her, Jenny pulled the two from herself and lightly pushed them towards Leo. He instantly trapped them in his arms and edged further away from Jenny. They all sank to the ground, sitting on the cold, hard floor.He watched her with caution as she turned away from them to the figure who was still standing at the entrance of the cell which was wide open.

" Why-why haven't they been released all this time?!...I gave you the information you wanted, made the pledge you wanted, even meet your ' amazing' higher ups as you wanted, yet they remained here all along?!" Jenny asked with pungently suffocating hostility.

Scratching the back of his head as he looked for the words satisfactorily answer Jenny, James took a deep breath and looked deeply into Jenny's eyes expressing his remorse and regret with just one look. " Sorry. I couldn't do anything." He whispered, maintaining eye contact with the angry Jenny, not afraid to show his true sorrowfulness for how things had been handled by the people in charge. It was quite obvious that he was not the main man in this facility, even though he was portrayed as one.

Looking away from those fervently expressive eyes, Jenny scoffed lightly. " How can you be sorry for something you can't control if you don't even have the power to do a simple task like controlling where prisoners go, how did you even end up as one of the leading powers...or is it just a superficial position? "

James smirked, although the words like swallowing a lemon whole, he could sense the pouting sincerity in her questioning. He took two steps forward but was frozen in place upon receiving Jenny's venomous glare for startling the fearfully huddled children with his sudden movement. He lifted his hands to show that he wasn't a threat and dropped down to sit before from Jenny cross- legged.

Smirking he spoke," Oh moonlight...I think you know this better than anyone, with great power, comes great responsibility...can you guess my power?" He paused giving Jenny some time to answer but all she was a-bit stunned by the fact he was calling her moonlight again.

It was Mirai who broke the silence, with a sudden exclamation, "You were the one whose hands came through the door!" James eyes moved from Jenny to Mirai as his smirk grew even wider. Looking at the young girl, he lifted both his hands showing a double thumbs up," Bingo!" He exclaimed good naturally, the atmosphere around him becoming a vast contrast of the atmosphere in the cell.

"Wait...that is...Phase-Shifting!" Lucas exclaimed with both awe and respect, " It's among the rarest of all gifts, only two people in the planet can have it!"

James' smirk remained as he pointed at Leo with both his index fingers," we have a winner! You're right on the money, I am a Phase-Shifter, nothing can stand in my way!" He dramatically exclaimed,showing off his teeth. After revealing his power, he gazed at Jenny, who was now looking at him, with connotative eyes,"So I will repeat it to you...moonlight...with great power comes great 'responsibility'."

It took only seconds for the meaning to sink in, this boy before her, James, was being used for his power. They had given him a position as one of the leader's to keep him where they could easily reach him, where they could easily manipulate him,and where he could easily be used. He was within their grasps. It was like how she was used by the mafia master!

Jenny felt grief, pity, and anger well up within her, would the young generation ever be free from the clutches of the older generation?! Experiencing imprisonment, deception and even manipulation. James, the children that Nina manipulated, and finally herself. Was there an end to this disastrous reality?!

No one spoke for a long time, Jenny,Lucas and Mirai we at a loss on what to say to follow up those solemnly uttered words. It was like a graveyard. this time it was Leo who took the mic and shattered the silence with his words that lacked even a shred of fear," What now?"

James looked at the young boy and became serious,pulling himself up," Well as per the agreement your sister made for your sake, you get to live here without being exploited but naturally we will still need you information so that you may become official citizens of the pit, so that you may become one of us..." He paused, "Of course, this isn't a compulsory deal...you can always stay in these murky cells if you want!" He said nonchalantly as he shrugged his shoulders with equal nonchalance.

Leo slowly stood after some contemplation, bringing the two whom he was holding to also raise to their feet. " We will come with you but only because we need a place to live." James smiled upon hearing those words and took long strides towards Jenny then he outstretched his hand, willing to help her up. Jenny tilted her head in amusement, and lifted herself off the floor, completely ignoring the outstretched hand and she began walking out of the cell. Sure she felt like they were kindred spirits but that wouldn't make her weak to him.

Upon reaching the opening of the cell the tuned back and smiled at the still frozen James and spoke in a light-hearted and joking manner, "Lead the way boss."