Dumbfounded they scanned their surroundings, not knowing what to think, not knowing how to react and not knowing how to answer Layna's question. It now seemed to be a very impractical question. Do they really need to answer her question? Where was the practicality in asking them what they think of such an extraordinary gift? Wasn't her answer plainly visible? It was an amazing gift.
The proof was right there, all they had to do was look around themselves, and they would be greeted by the desolate cafeteria hall. It was a phenomenon that was unnerving to the heart, disconcerting to their senses, and just plain daunting in general. However, it enraptured the mind. With nothing in their field of vision, the persistent din around kept them aware that they were still amid a multitude. Even though they were unable to perceive them at the moment, they could not dispute the awesomeness of her gift.