Imagination or not?

Ashley P.O.V

I sat on his bike, he gave me a white colored helmet and put on a black one himself. He finally started the bike, and we were on our way to the café.

The cold air I felt touching on my face was so refreshing that I did not want to get out of this situation, my both hands were on Alan's shoulder and that gave me a weird vibe.

I was enjoying, and my eyes were on the streets when I suddenly saw a glimpse of my mother. A panic vibe suddenly came through my body. I rapidly tapped on Alan's shoulder indicating him to stop the bike immediately, he immediately understood and stopped the bike.

He was about to ask me something, but I was so panicked that I immediately rush towards the place I saw my mother. I knew they all were thinking why did I suddenly make Alan stop the bike and I will tell them the reason later.

When I was finally there I saw my mother's back and I swiftly put my hands on her shoulder and pulled her to reveal her face, But she wasn't my mother, She was an old lady.

"Of course, how can I expect my mother to be here? She is already gone, Gone to a place from where she can never return. She cannot come to me anymore." I thought.

After the disappointment, I was walking towards Thia, Chris and Alan, who were waiting for me desperately to know why did I panic.

Now I was standing in front of them.

"Ash, what was that? Why did you panic so much? Is everything okay??" Everyone was staring at me with curiosity, including Alan, which was pretty weird too.

" I thought it was my mom there" I said

"Your mother?" Thia said while narrowing her eyes.

She probably thought I was talking about my stepmother. I let out a deep sigh and tilted my head to the right side a little, indicating, 'You know what I mean'. She understood and said-"oh".

" Let's go then. Aunt is waiting," I said

. I sat on the bike again and without further more inquiry we continued. I was so panicked at the moment that I even forgot about removing the helmet off my head. We finally arrived in our destination.

My aunt was standing outside waiting for us. Chris and Thia parked and aunt, without further time-wasting, she ran to Thia and started to hug her and say-

"Oh my god! My tomboy ! You're here, but I wonder why are you so thin and weak now, and your skin is just like a-a girl??"

Alan parked the bike behind Chris and I said laughing -

"The skin is thin like a girl because She is not me"

Thia removed her helmet and aunt realised it wasn't me and said-

"OMG! I am sorry! It's been long since we last met, so I did not realise"

Then she came to me and did all the same things she did with thia,

she said-"Okay now before getting in, quickly introduce me to everyone".

Everyone removed their helmets and I started to speak-"This is thia my friend, This guy is Alan and he is-he-is my-my"

"Boyfriend?" aunt completed. I felt my face turning red."NO,"I said.

"He is my classmate, and he just gave me lift here because Thia's cycle was broken" I let out a sigh, and then I continued to introduce Chris and said-

"He is Chris, and He is Alan's friend"

"oh okay! Hello Alan, Chris and thia"said aunt.

She invited all of us one by one to the café. I was also coming here for the first time, and it's an amazing place. It gives a really pleasant and relaxing vibe, and we were all comfortable. A slow orchestra was playing which made the mood more good and aunt brought us to a sofa and told us to be comfortable and will be right back.

We all sat on the sofa, and it was really soft and Thia loosened her hands and said-"This is amazing, This place is so comfy." all of us agreed.

Aunt came back and said-"Isn't this place cool? Okay now give me your orders please."

Thia and I ordered Frappuccino, While Alan and Chris ordered cappuccino. While the order was getting prepared, I decided to go to the bathroom, and It was Fabulous. As I entered, white tiles were shinning like a diamond, and it was super tidy. After using the bathroom, I was washing my hand and saw that the mirror was spotless too, anyone can see it shine. I washed my hands settled my hairs that were literally floating in air because of the speed of the bike, although my hairs are short they were still floating. While settling my hairs, I suddenly remembered the glimpse of mother I saw. I was pretty sure that I saw mother but then again, she was dead, Then suddenly it reminded me of the shadow I saw in school.

What is wrong with me?.Okay, it's just my Imagination," I forced myself to think that. I went back to the main café and saw that Alan, Thia and Chris were staring at me with a serious face and something like they felt pity for me? And what makes me wonder more is that the ice block, Alan, He was also giving me the sympathy look.

" Is... Everything okay here??" i asked,

They suddenly everyone snapped out of it and Thia said-"Yeah! The drinks are here, We were waiting for you!"

After Thia completed, 3 of them started to take sip from their glasses swiftly like they wanted to, hide their expression?

I said "okay "and started to take sips from my cup too.

Then we were chatting and talking about our class members, and we were there for 3 hours. Then we took our departures.

Thia went with Chris, and I was stuck with Alan. He dropped me to my house, and then we parted our ways. I entered the house and Lisa, Step-mother and father were standing there too. Father was looking furious and Lisa and Her mother gave me a smirk and I knew she had filled dad ears once again.

"Dad, here she is," Lisa said.

"Is everything okay dad," I asked, even though I know that Lisa has probably told father about the mess I created in one day.

" Everything is okay?! I told you not to create mess in one day and you? You broke a kid's nose, talked back to your teacher, The guy whose nose you broke gave you warning and said he will get it back on you. How many problems will you create for me now??!" He said this all-in-one breath and really aggressively.

" First of all dad, this is not your problem at all. I will face the consequences's not like you have to give them money or something and the guy that said he will take it back on me? I know his one of friends, and he will talk it out, so there is nothing to worry pa. Furthermore, I know you care for me, but I can handle it dad, I am not 12 years old, I am 17 now!" I said chilled down and calmly.

After hearing this I can feel that dad was calmed down but then 'step-mom' has to butt in.

" Oh, darling! Look how sharp her tongue got. Instead of saying sorry, she is arguing with you. Honey we should punish her by not letting her eat her dinner today day, This will make her understand that no one can argue with you and that you are the head, otherwise, we don't know, today she is talking back, in future maybe , try to harm you for property, teach her a lesson so she can finally stop." she said while clinging to dad. "Excuse me? are you kidding me?Speaking like dad will listen to her and property?Seriously?I don't know if this women is dumb or I am smart? "I thought.

I was about to explain when dad said-"You are right ,Ashley, You are not going to have your meal today. Go to your room, now!"


"I SAID NOW" he interrupted before I could finish and i guess i was wrong dad did believed her.

My eyes got wider, and I Knew that even if I try to explain he won't understand, so instead of making things worse I surrendered once again and said "You know what? I am okay with it! Enjoy your meal dad, With your loved ones" and left towards my room.

I changed into a Blue and white check top and some comfortable gray color pajama and laid on the bed feeling hungry and sad but thought-"It's not like the first time I have faced it, So why should I be sad? I wish mother was here" a drop of tear drip from the eyes making its way to my cheeks to ears and then the bed. Furthermore, I sobbed, but before another teardrop could drip down, I held myself up and swiped the tear and said-"I Shall not cry because in future I will not get the time for it. Crying is just wasting my time" even though I said it, another teardrop fell from the other eye, I swiped it too and washed my face.

Then I threw myself on the bed and tried to sleep, 3 to 4 hours passed by, but there were no sign of sleep. It was really quite, and I can only hear crickets making sound. I checked the time and it was 12 already. I decided to go outside, actually we have a small garden at our backyard, so I got up and took a pin and stuck it on my hairs, but it fell off, so I just left, and it was actually quite refreshing.

The wind was slowing blowing, and I felt really relaxed but suddenly my stomach growled, and I was hungry, I thought to go to kitchen, but I know that mother daughter pair definitely have something up their sleeves, so I simply decided to sneak out of the house.

I came to my room and took some money and left to backyard again. I came to the yard and there was a person who looked like a male in a total black hoodie and covering his face with a black cloth, jumped from the wall to the yard. Not only that, but I saw him, and he saw me, Our eyes met, he had beautiful green eyes, and then He snapped out of it and jumped back from the wall.

Our backyard wall wasn't too high, so I also ran after him, jumping the wall. I was putting my whole strength and ran as fast as I could. That guy was smart because he kept taking turns again and again so that I would get tired easily but hey dude, I am way stronger than you think I am,you know I am not the weak and cute female lead and eventually,I did not give up until a bus pulled down and blocked my way. When the bus moved, That guy was already disappeared.

" Damn it! Is it another of my imagination? No!it can't be, at least not this one," I thought.

I was breathing heavily because of running and was way more hungry than before. I was about to leave, but then I saw a guy on his bike probably staring at me.

The guy brought his bike to me and stopped." Who the fu*k is he now," I thought. He removed the helmet , and I was shocked who he was, He was.....

To Be Continued


who was on the bike?What was the Shadow?Why did she saw glimpse of her mother?Why was everyone in cafe looking at her with sympathy? So many questions. Was it all really just her imaginations??? Or