Jiroch-Reslia (2/2)

I began to chuckle to myself, "Is this a battle to the death or a simple battle for leadership? I do not want to kill you, I want you as a representative for your people on my planet."

The Leader grinned "You are that confident you can win?"

I took a step back as a sniper bolt went flying past my head, "Relka, take the troops, I want a sweep of the surrounding area, especially 568 metres west of here, on top of a small mountain, make sure he is dead."

"As you command."

With that my troops went on their patrol paths, I was confident that they could hold any force long enough for me to arrive and assist them if needed. Relka, although a little tyrannical with his troops is an excellent commander.

"I am confident I can win, this is not a slight on you however I have fought beings significantly stronger than you, my father being one of them. I have survived them, and I think I might survive you too."

The Leader chuckled and said" It will not be a fight to the death as you have stated you would prefer me to remain alive. Select your weapon, I will be using my Kilter."

On instinct my eyes were drawn to the Kilter, it was a very large bladed staff, there was fresh blood dripping off the blade, I assume it is Imp blood. The staff was made out of metal I do not recognise, might be exclusive to this world.

"I do not need to select a weapon, I will be using my bare hands as well as the force."

He nodded his head as his troops made a duelling circle around us, he instantly appeared in front of me, his blade where my neck should be, my body, however, was bent at an unrealistic angle making the blade scrape me. I smiled at the Warrior, his instincts are good, quick in a fight too, I wonder if he is force sensitive?

Using force speed, I vanished from where I was standing appearing directly behind my opponent, landing a punch clean to his gut, forcing him to his knees.

"Come fight me as if I were an imperial coming to take your land, not this half-hearted bullshit."

He snarled as he flung himself to his feet, staring into my eyes, he arrived in front of me quickly once more, this time his blade made contact with my legs, sweeping them out from under me. As I fell, I used force push on the floor, flinging myself up into the air, if this were a battle to the death, I would have killed him here with a force lightning bolt to the brain.

But as it isn't, I slipped behind him, my fists slamming into his back at speed he couldn't keep up with, the force of the blow forcing him to the floor.

"Come on get up, we are not done here yet."

A swipe at my head was the only response I got. the blade scrapping my nose, the adrenaline finally began to pump in my body, it has been too long, I understand why some people live the warrior's life, this feeling, is hard to replace. Time seemed to slow down around me as I jumped, landing on one of the blades, I reinforced my right leg with the force before I slammed it straight into my opponent's skull.

Blood began to pour from his face, covering it, long gone was the look of a negotiator, all that was left was the stare of a Hunter, staring down prey that refused to go down. Instead of fear, there was a look of uncontained excitement on his face. This is turn excited me, finally someone else like me, someone else who can follow my mantra.

My mind flashed back to the day I was pulled out of my first prison, a hooded woman stood before me, the hot desert sand blew in my face it, however, avoided her, as if it was afraid to tarnish her robes with its presence. She walked towards me, lifting my weakened body into a hug, she then let me fall to the ground.

Bending down she placed a lightsaber in front of me, she then ignited one of her own, slashing straight at my head, to this day I do not know if it was instinct that forced my hand onto the blade in front of me, barely blocking her strike, the brute force of it sent me flying into the sand.

"Who are you?" I screamed, the woman said nothing but began to approach me once more, slashing for my neck, this time I had prepared myself and flung a pure blast of the force at her, it seemingly bounced off of her, damaging the old temple behind us.

She smiled, lunging at me once more, slicing the handle of the lightsaber in half, she finally spoke" These weapons are wasted on someone like you, the force will be your guide, now attack me."

Without waiting for her to change her mind, I began to manipulate the sand, using it to block her vision as well her hearing, I caused a small tornado of sand to surround her, she stood still, laughing at my display. I had always heard it as mocking laughter but now I'm not sure, maybe she felt what I'm feeling now.

Jumping through the tornado, I electrocuted her with my hands covered in force lightning, her body didn't even convulse as she flung me back, slamming my young body into the wall, the last thing she said to me, has driven me forwards to this day. It is now my time to say those words to another.

My body has been fighting on auto-pilot while I was dealing with my memories of her, it has already disarmed the Tunroth, "Get up."

I commanded and to his credit, the Tunroth did, picking up his bloody and battered body, he ran at me, he took a swing before he fell to his knees, I bent down next to him and whispered "The Warrior fights before he's taught how. He just fights, and if you hit him he steps forwards towards you"