"Vaylin, Arcann form up behind me, paladins be at the ready, the Sith is making his way to the Jedi, I can feel the deaths of the other force-sensitive, he is skilled but we are more so, remember neither of them is to die, we are here to repel the Sith and save the Jedi is that understood?"
<3rd person pov>
When Starkiller entered the Ancient Abyss, Ti stood her ground and welcomed the boy as the Sarlacc that lived in the heart of the Abyss drew her Rancor into its maw. Shaak Ti and the assassin engaged each other first with a test of their respective Force abilities.
Batting aside each of the Sith's telekinetic attacks with ease, Ti attacked him using swift strikes with her lightsaber. Using the force to cause the Sith to fall to the ground, Ti called upon her people to attack the boy while he was vulnerable. Defeating the warriors one-by-one, Starkiller was lured by Ti deeper into the Abyss.[
Shaak Ti's mastery over the Sarlacc became evident as she commanded it to slam its massive tentacles down around Starkiller. As their lightsaber duel intensified, Starkiller was having difficulty keeping up with the Master Jedi's strikes, barely countering them.
Throughout their duel, Shaak Ti told the boy that Vader was only using him and he should turn to the light side of the force. As their duel took them into the tentacles of the Sarlacc, Starkiller was forced off as the Sarlacc attacked him. While he was on the ground, Ti ran along a tentacle, intent on killing the assassin.
However, Starkiller turned around at the last minute, catching Ti off balance and ravaging her body with Force lightning. He then electrified the tentacles of the Sarlacc which flung Shaak Ti high into the air. Falling hard to the ground, a mortally injured Ti began to utter a prophecy, foretelling that Starkiller would be betrayed by his Sith masters should he remain on his current path. Following her utterance of the prophecy, she leapt towards the Sarlac hoping it would deprive the Sith of his kill.
Just like Master predicted, the Jedi lost, I look forward to fighting alongside this Sith in the future, as I was lost in my thought the Master Jedi tried to feed herself to the Sarlac, Arcann stopped, her, grabbing her falling body, he pulled it next to us. The Jedi Master had fainted due to the shock of her impending death, the calmness of the Jedi was nowhere to be found in her.
Speaking of calmness, the Sith was feeling a range of emotions, from what I can make out, he is feeling self-doubt, anger and sadness. As if he could feel me intruding on him with the force, the young Sith's face turned in my direction, snarling he Spoke " Who are you? My master has ordered the death of that Jedi Master, do you know who you are going up against?"
I laughed at him, something he did not seem to appreciate, "You see Sith, your Master and My Lord have met each other once before and on that day, you Master was rendered useless, it is you who doesn't, know who you are provoking. My Lord doesn't want us to fight as he sees that you are confused, the light will seep into your soul before long Young Sith, you will become confused and unsure of your path."
"I will not, Darth Vader and I will take over the Empire" the Sith screamed, using the force to make his words strike us. My shield shook in my hands under the power of the blast, my Lord was right the potential of this Sith is scary, I would much rather fight alongside him than against him.
"We both know you don't really believe that, once the Emperor learns of your existence, your Master will throw you to the curb. Me and my squad are no match for you, your talent in the force if still raw is amazing. It doesn't compare to my Lord but you are strong. You are going to let us leave with the Jedi while you seriously think this over. Remove yourself from the Dark Side for two seconds, I know it will be hard young Sith but do it, contemplate for yourself."
Not giving the Sith a second to think, I pulled up square chunks of the earth, imprisoning the Sith in a box, I grabbed the Jedi Master, flinging her over my shoulder, I shouted"We are to retreat, I didn't believe the Lord when he told me the Strenght of the Sith, Looking at Vaylin and Arcann I continued "If the two of you are to die on this planet then he will burn this universe and the next tot the ground in revenge."
As they wbet to object, the Sith destroyed his cage with ease, I looked at them, " We leave now, move towards the door, we have to hope that the Lord is there waiting for us."