Poem 3: Embraced by Hate

You carried me for nine months.

Then hated me for years.

You cradled me at birth.

Then yanked comfort away.

You would cook carbs.

But proceed to fat shame me.

You buy food for the house.

Yet demand praise for being an adult.

You ridicule my wishes.

But claim respect.

You are racist to my heritage.

But you are the one who lay with him.

Your hands hit me.

But you expect hugs.

You take my things.

But demand gifts.

You receive gifts.

But return them quickly.

You force me into things.

Yet you don't take advice.

You spit poison.

But act like honey.

You manipulate others.

Then wonder why you are alone.

You take money.

But belittle the poor.

You throw your kids out.

Then twist the truth.

You refuse to acknowledge feelings.

Then rant about your suering.

Instead of being raised with love.

I was embraced by hate.

The mother role was passed.

Despite my hurt I was blessed.

To the woman who banded together.

My nurturing was saved by you.