Suki's new life pt.1

-Suki's perspective-

It was quite difficult to understand how life could turn around so easily. One day, she was just living a normal life of usual excitement. Fast cars, loud music, the thrill you could feel when the wind hit's face, everything seemed perfect.

She was used to living in a comfortable yet complicated bubble, a bubble that made you think you weren't part of a bubble in the first place. She was daring and confident, and there wasn't much she couldn't do. She was far from living an average and normal life.

But who knew things could change within just a single day. One moment was all it took, to find something she couldn't seem to see before. It was a void that just kept getting deeper and mysterious, to the point where she couldn't even know how to differentiate it.

She didn't know how to explain it, but the sense of adventure she was blessed with seemed to keep dragging in her for more.

One moment, she was just a girl from Miami and now here she was acting as manager/assistant, running a nightclub in L.A., The Nexus as Bruce named it. The job description was so vague that, if she wasn't part of the whole operation she would begin doubting if the whole thing was a scam.

She didn't have any problems with it to be specific, but her expectations were much more than she could even know herself.

With the sense of growing thrill in her, her expectations were more towards leaving her old life behind and hopping on the new one with a blank slate. Not to say, getting hunted or killing was fun, but the adrenaline rush was hard to explain. She wanted to explore the part of the world, she had no idea about. It was a life, she never thought was even possible.

And she would never pick someone else other than Bruce, for this perfect job.

She was never the dainty young lady people expected her to be, and she expected to be never treated like one either. So when she first heard about the club, she couldn't help but wonder if her guesses about him were wrong.

If she wanted to be 'protected' and disregarded as someone weak, she would have never chased after him in the first place.

Not that Bruce, wasn't part of the reason. After all, she did like him more than any man she had ever met but she wasn't the clingy type who couldn't understand boundaries. Bruce's life was dangerous and if she couldn't figure that out with all she had seen in that mansion, she would be a complete dunce.

And so she only decided to get in her car and follow him after she made that decision. She knew the consequences and yet there she was.

Luckily, Bruce didn't disappoint her. The Nexus, was a complete font for what Bruce had in mind, though it was still in the beginner stage from what she could see.

Bruce had saved up enough money to buy the entire club without batting an eye, according to him, he didn't need to spend much since his workplace accepted other forms of currencies.

Though understanding the concept of this 'currency' was quite confusing, to say the least, but one thing she could understand was that the owner of the currency determined the value of it rather than it being the other way around.

Bruce wanted to apply things he had learned from his previous job into his new one, hence the club. The business could be done without much interference and no one would really expect a lousy club owner to run a whole mercenary company in hiding.

All the while, Bruce had started her on a routine training regiment. It went from basic martial combat to gun training. Nothing too complicated yet not something easy to accomplish. Bruce had one rule with her following him around, she needed to be able to protect herself at the very least if she wanted to stay.

She wanted to be useful and so she picked things she could help to assist Bruce in his jobs, so her main focus was learning how to snipe masterfully. The previous shot Bruce took to take down Carter had left a deep impression on her.

It proved that you didn't need to be all out there to make yourself useful in these types of scenarios.

So she wanted to take her job as an assistant seriously, she was confident with her driving so she could be the perfect getaway driver and with sniping, she could cover his back. She had set a goal for herself, to help Bruce in areas he couldn't cover.

Though according to Bruce, it could be helpful but if she couldn't protect herself in these scenarios where things could go sideways, she wouldn't be of any use.

As harsh it might have sounded, she knew that it was just him taking things seriously and being upfront about it. So she took it as a challenge instead and had been working hard to cover all bases.

So until she was ready, she was just a manager in the club and nothing more. No missions or assignments, but she could hardly be disappointed when these jobs didn't exist in the first place and besides running a club was quite fun.

She never expected things to be so complicated, in her head, they would open a business and the customers would come flying in, who knew taking serious jobs was so difficult when you were trying to stick by a code.

The code wasn't morally outstanding or anything like that, in fact, they would accept any kind of job there was. As long as it didn't cross a certain line, that was so thin it was nearly non-existent.

Things were looking quite decent but with how these jobs worked, it was hard for them to pinpoint a certain service they excelled at but since they were figuring things out as they went on, the results were already well enough.

Bruce took on a few personal jobs to extend his influence and reach in the underworld. Though making a place for them in there was difficult, it wasn't hard to have your name echo through it.

Why go through the underworld, some might ask but the answer was simple. These kinds of jobs in one way or another are always related to the underworld. Whether it was kidnapping, murder, theft, or any illegal job you could think of, the dots always linked back to the underworld.

So whether it was to advertise his new company or to extend his source of intel, the underworld was extremely important.

And with how things were going, it all seemed smooth and perfect. They were completing one task after another both personally and professionally. But a hurdle appeared out of nowhere when a team of soldiers barged into their club.