Bitter Love


Sung-jin exclaimed as he fell onto his knees. The sound of the system and the notifications made him sentimental, and as he looked up and read what they said, he could only think about how hard the fight was.


He laughed a bit. He could feel his health come back, and his wounds healed after he had leveled up. It generally surprised him that he got a level, he couldn't see the level's progress, so gambling with it was a stupid idea.

"This was a bit harder than I expected."

He said and stood up again. He had all his strength back, so he didn't waste any more time and continued with what he came for. He threw away every thought he had about the fight and just focused on the Spider Queen.

"Let's work together, and let me loot you."

He taunted the dead Spider Queen as she disappeared into a dispersing fog, and what was left after was only one item.

"Only one! After going through this much."

He said, a little disappointed. He had thought that more items would have dropped when the difficulty was greater, but it seems that wasn't the case.

"Let me just pick up my reward. I know it's either a weapon or a piece of armor."

Sung-jin said with a gloomy tone. He knew what the rewards could be, so he got a bit sad. He reached down to the ground a picked up his reward.

"Uhh, that's convenient!"

He exclaimed with a more uplifting tone. The item he got couldn't have been more perfect. He took a quick peek at where his clothes were, and he could see that they weren't in the best conditions.

"Definitely not wearing those."

He looked disgusted at the clothes he had worn before. Other than having holes in them from the spider's fangs, the spider had spit up hemolymph when she got attacked. So now the clothes were drenched in the nasty stuff.

"Then it's good I got these."

He wiped the nervous sweat off his forehead and opened his equipment tab to see the stats.


Adventurers Pants:

Many people had tried to conquer Spider Hill but have failed in the progress. And the adventurous people who wanted to exterminate the spiders became fewer and fewer in numbers. The residents in the town of Kintrois weren't happy with this, and if no one exterminated the spiders, they would just grow in numbers, and one day they had to expand their hill. The residents of Kintrois decided to call upon the strongest and most daring adventurer they knew and asked him to kill the Spider Queen. He accepted it… But he never came back.

-Vitality: +3

-Strength: +5

-Can't be enchanted

-Set effect not obtained

"These pants are actually quite good, and I can even get set effects!"

Sung-jin exclaimed and immediately equipped them. Now his outfit consisted of shoes and pants and a bare upper body.

"Let me also allocate my points too."

He said and spent his points on Dexterity again.

-Status Window

Name: Sung-jin | Level: 12 | Age: 20 | Title: Dark Apostle | First Generation

Strength: 10(+5)

Vitality: 10(+3)

Agility: 50

Dexterity: 25

Intelligence: 10

Stat Points: 0


Night Slash: Dark Type


Dark Apostle: Lvl 1 [Exp: 5%]

[Effect: 5% exp gain]

[Effect: 10% damage gain. Dark Type skills only]

"My stats don't look bad for only being at level twelve."

He looked at his stats, impressed by them. He had never imagined that his stats would look like this; the stats he had before the rebirth were not even half of what he had now. So he was very excited about what he could achieve now that he had this cheat.

"Rebirth is a game mechanic, so I guess I'm not cheating. But I wonder about what happened to my hidden quest?"

He questioned the hidden quest, but it didn't take long before the system answered him.


-System: Clear objection completed. Opening gate.

-System: First player to complete hidden quest 'Wrath of the Spider Queen' Award: 5 Stat Points.

-System: Quest 'Wrath of the Spider Queen' completed. Reward 'Spider Queen's Fangs.'

-System: Information about Spider Hill available.

A lot of notifications once again popped up in front of Sung-jin. And as he read them, a blue gate was slowly appearing behind him in the back of the boss room.

"Okay, it's a bit overwhelming with these notifications, especially when two of them are entirely mysterious to me."

He decided to solve his questions one by one from the top.

"I'm the first player to do the hidden quest? I'm not really surprised it was a pain in the ass... But Spider Queen's Fangs? I didn't know they existed; I have heard about the Spider King's fangs but never the queen's. Is it the same?"

Sung-jin opened the information about the fangs.

-Item Description

Spider Queen's fangs:

A pair of fangs dropped by the dungeon boss "Spider Queen."

-Crafting material

-Epic Rarity

"It's even an epic rarity! I didn't think I would get one of those this soon."

He got happy about the reward he got, and he quickly shoved it into his inventory.

"Now, what is this? Information about the Spider Hill? I didn't get this last time I cleared the dungeon. Maybe you only get it when completing the hidden quest?"

He opened the information to see what it was about.



Story of the Spider Hill:

A female spider came across a little hill laying in the beautiful lands of the grass. She thought it was beautiful and chose it as her home. She spent all day digging to make it as perfect for her needs as possible.

She dug many tunnels and corridors, making them big and beautiful. And one day, she was finished, "but what now?" she thought as she began to sleep in the lowest parts of the hill she had dug. She began to feel lonely, now that she didn't have to work anymore; what should she spend her day doing?

Hours, days, and even years went by. The only entertainment was the occasional meal that would wander in her home now or then. "This is the life of a spider," she thought, going into a deep slumber as the winter came.

"It's very cold," a wandering spider thought as he came by a hill. "What's this?" He saw a hill hiding in between the trees of the forest. He saw there was a hole in the hill and decided he would wander inside to see what it contained.

He walked the many tunnels and corridors thinking to himself, "who made these? They are lovely and comfy."

After walking for a while, he got deep inside the hill, and as he reached around the last corner, a sight he had never seen before was before him. "What a beauty," he thought.

He took a step inside to get a closer look. He didn't want to disturb the sleeping spider, but that wish couldn't be held.

The beautiful spider in front of him opened her many eyes. "Oh no," he thought. "I need to run," he was scared that she would attack, but his worries were wasted.

As their many eyes made contact, a deep love sprouted. Both of them had fallen in love, and they soon began to walk towards each other.

He was a bit shy, but he soon touched her legs. The chemistry between them was made, and the love couldn't be broken.

After spending their days together, the female asked the male, "can we have children?" "Yes…" he couldn't respond properly, his face was red, but he managed to come with an answer. Both of them were happy, and they soon began to mate.

But their happy days were about to end.

After mating, something happened to his queen. He asked her, but she didn't respond. She stared at him like he was a stranger. "Are you hurt? What's wrong?" He continued to question her, but no reply.

And soon, the fear he got when he first met her came true. She attacked him, and he didn't know why. The only thing he could do was run. He got chased out of the chamber, and he had nothing left.

Many years went by, and the king still had no answer. "Why did you betray me?" He cried as he roamed around inside the hill, feasting on the children he had made.