The morning sun rays piercing through the gaps between the curtains shone over the lady who was sleeping on her stomach on the huge bed. The bandages around her body did not seem to reduce her beauty.

As Jiang Meili turned over, the light from outside woke her up. Irritated, she sat on her bed to find herself wrapped in white bandages like a mummy. For a second, she got confused before remembering what happened yesterday.

"Ah! I need to figure out how to continue living. Even if not in this world, I need to find my way to another world. I can't die this young. Wah! Wah!" Jiang Meili started crying once again over her misfortune. This continued till her stomach started to protest. Only then did she remember she did not have anything since yesterday afternoon.

"I will figure out what to do next after filling my tummy," she said, patting her stomach.

For the next few days, Jiang Meili spent her days going through all the books related to magic, traveling between worlds and anything that can prevent her from being dead. She was so engrossed in this that she would forget about eating and sleeping. She only ate when her stomach protested and slept when her eyes could no longer keep open.


Finally, just 12 hours before her 25th birthday, she found a book which provided a solution for her problem. According to the book, all she had to do was sacrifice her magic and body to allow her to achieve her goal.

"Yes, all I have to do is give up my power and this body. I think I can do it."

Jiang Meili started preparing for her departure from this magical world. Since almost everyone knew that this powerful witch is going to die on her 25th birthday nobody found it weird when she decided to spend her money recklessly to purchase things she needed.

Just 20 minutes before midnight, Jiang Meili began her preparation. All she had to do was concentrate all her power on finding a suitable body to take over. But the tricky part was that after her soul leaves the body, she can only enter the body which shares the same name and birthday as her and can only take control over the body when that body reaches the age of 25.

As a result, even if she manages to find the perfect body and starts to reside in that body, she will not have any freedom. The body will follow the setup created for her in that novel. Yes, Jiang Meili was planning on transmitting into a character in those modern-romance novels where no magic exists. Since she can't have magic, she does not want to come across someone with magic.

As the incantation continued, the life from Jiang Meili's body started disappearing. Finally, when it was exactly 12 at night, Jiang Meili's body dropped dead on the floor and a beam of light was seen over it.