A Collective of Occultists I Mean Witches

What followed was a gathering of people inside the dining space of the inn. It occurred to Ted that either the guests were absent or then they were just as weird as the obvious witches sitting around the table and could not be distinguished from the staff.

The staff was all witches, and now Ted regretted not seeing the signs sooner, with little skulls hanging from their necks and their fingers adorned with gold and silver, all mixed up in ways that would have given a Neulian fashion expert a seizure out of the sheer outrageous amount of the glimmer.

Eknie had been escorted to the chair next to Ted. He should have guessed it- if he had not managed to escape, then she had stood no chance at all.

The shadows were dancing on the walls, not following the laws of light and darkness at all. No gas-powered lights were lit, instead, it was all candles and torches, anachronism and creepy lanterns.

"Flee," Eknie hissed at Ted.