Reverse Psychology

"Yes, the thumbs, I am so bored," Ted said, but that was a lie. This was one of the things he actually lived for.

He took off some more flesh from the hands of his victim and finished writing the blackmailing letter.

Assist us with imported and exported goods or your husband suffers the consequences.

That was good, classic reverse psychology. Ted sent a random street boy to deliver the message and left to stay in his inn room to avoid suspicions.

He was quickly summoned to the room of the Ruddermaster. Irra was tearing out hair from her head, mad from worry.

"They want us to continue assisting them with trade relations. The thing is, I will look so weak if I do as they say. So very weak."

"I quite dislike the thought of you losing your face in front of the nation, Master. What do you want me to do? I am but a stranger in your land," Ted replied while dramatically leaning onto a wall and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Tell me. How do they manage those things in the north?"