Bad News

The job of the captain of the flagship was now handled by a Star who was willing to postpone his sacrifice in order to get the Society safely to the Fin. There was not enough time left to make the position official, or at least Ted thought so.

One night, Madorn came to him with bad news.

"The storms, we need to go even further west to circle around the worst part. You have seen the skies get dark, Ted. You know we can't push through them."

Ted pinched the bridge of his nose. He had a funny feeling that Madorn almost wanted him to push back, to have a bad reaction, but he just didn't see it as necessary to get mad over facts.

"Then we go further west, that is clear," the cult leader said and slammed his hands on his thighs. "Why do you think it will be a problem for me?"

"It will be a problem for the crew. They're still hungry."