An Unnerving Experience

It was amazing how good woolphant meat was, even when prepared by complete savages. Ted enjoyed the last few bites, but his mind kept wandering to the western villages.

Eknie had managed to get a few good hounds, and they caught Galon's smell. The new rulers and officers understood the gravity of the situation, and the high cor regretted not informing them about the situation sooner.

They left before sunset, even though they knew they would have to spend the night in a village. They hoped to reach Morthens before dark.

Eknie was in a good mood, or then she was nervous, it was honestly quite hard to tell.

"Do you think he has any idea what to do with the Draconist Pack, Ted?"

"Well, it is hard to tell," Ted said, stopping the sled. "Let us have some coffee. I hope you brought coffee?"

They sat down to drink the last, depressingly cold drops of coffee.