Divine Gossip

The village of Libranupometsk was not supposedly too far away, but the duo still needed to find their sacrifice, preferably a human one. Ted and Eknie searched their surroundings and found no footprints. They had to go further towards the other village that was near.

Around noon they got lucky.

A lone hunter was desperately calling out to his mates, trying to find the group he had lost. Or perhaps it was him who had been lost by the group - in any case, he was now all alone.

Eknie took him down with a gleeful grin on her face as she shot him in the chest, as if the taunting she had received from Ted had caused her actual mental pain.

"You all right, Eknie?" the high cor hollered as she was checking the body for valuables and signs of certain death.

"Better than ever. I will show those bastards in Librarypompometsk who is who…"

Ted stifled a laughing fit inside his throat.