Simmering in a Broth

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up and please, put that knife away," Ted said, but this only made the attacker tense up, like he was about to slash the throat of the rotting man any second.

Ted didn't know what to do. If he tried, if he tried anything at all, the assassin would surely act and follow through with the obvious threat.

Ted visualized the Inkmaster, materializing behind the assassin, and something weird started to happen.

First thing was that the attacker's hands started to shake. It actually looked like the tremors would cause the man to slit Theinskvalur's throat.

The second thing was that the bare slivers of skin, visible around the edges of the gloves of the man, began to turn black. The assassin looked horrified. He was having some form of a seizure accompanied by an infection spreading rapidly in his body. It had to be unpleasant.

He dropped the blade.

"Thank you, Ted Tobias," Theinskvalur said.