The Horrendeer

"I would otherwise ask you to do a focus exercise again, but after what happened last time, I really fear what will happen if you focus even harder," Eric laughed, and there was a certain undertone of sincere flattery in his words that made Ted feel at ease again.

"Hand me those cigarettes," the high cor said.

The wizard didn't just give him the pack, he also fished out a Clove Explosion Infusion and lit it for Ted.

"I mean, if you nearly die because you focus so hard that your mind makes you faint when you have just been told to stare at an imaginary black know, you could have hit your head and it could have ended badly." Eric shuddered.

"If what happened was not a bad ending, then I am terrified of your actual bad ending," the cult leader laughed.

"Anyway. I thought about all the different options that we have. I have not been involved with covens in a long time...have you ever been in a coven, Ted?"