The Empire of Fin

So, Doctor Farthings was no more. He would never exist again in any form, and Ted assumed that the man would be glad to be dead. The high cor did not know whether dead people knew anything, but he thought that for a lesser man, it was probably really nice to be dead, in emptiness, or whatever the afterlife was all about. He did not think that it would be possible to find out from this side.

Nevertheless, there was now this pesky little wizard hunt that had to take place before any other plans could be made in any direction. Every hunter, every bloodhound and every sled was now committed to the task of finding Eric.

The divine and demonic allies said that they had to step away from this; that it was not their fight or their place to get involved with this.

That was a disappointment, to put it mildly, but if there was anything that cor Ted Tobias truly trusted in this world, it had to be the nose of a really good hound.