A Loathsome Worm

"The spiral should take on a much steeper curve by now...the map does not lie, does it?"

Madorn kept on analyzing the shape of the tunnel that descended down into the depths of the cave system. Ted did not mind. While he was not mathematically inclined in the purest sense, he could easily appreciate practical geometry.

Especially when it was applied in a truly useful manner, like the scientist was applying it right now.

"There are so many pages. But eventually, people will read maps that can be modeled straight from reality, in all dimensions of space, in three dimensions, you hear that, Ted? What do you think about that?"

"I love your pipe dreams," the high cor said.

He expected the scientist to be annoyed, but Mad merely cackled. He, too, was becoming visibly unhinged in the process of exploring the labyrinth.

It was not like that was an inherently bad thing, of course. Insanity could be very helpful.