Body Temperature

Days and nights passed by. Madorn did not budge from his seat, and Ted could only wonder how the scientist was able to even avoid a visit to the toilet.

Eknie came to watch. She was still not showing any signs of poisoning, which was good enough, but what more, she also showed signs of radiant health that she had lacked before. This was enough to make the cult leader think that he could sufficiently feed his people through the year of darkness and even longer.

"Nothing at all is happening," Eknie complained.

"No, everything is happening at once," Mad argued and nodded towards the pewter plate. "Eventually, I will be able to scratch off the parts that have not been affected by the light. The coating is made in a way that allows me to…"

And then he gave a long-winded explanation about the painting without brushes, and Ted did not understand a single thing, except that the immobility of the intended picture was of utmost importance.