How to Deal with Demonic Activity

"Warmth...him...for me."

The blind hag snorted. Ted had just explained everything about his plan. That had been a bad mistake. It was not like he could count on anyone to understand him.

"So, you don't think that there will always be a bond between you two?" he asked. "Usually, when a mother and a son are estranged from each other -"

"Stop your quacking, your plan is horse manure, Ted. You can't use me to get to him, because he simply does not care what I think."

"Yet he is bent on proving you wrong in the hardest way imaginable. Stuck on this island, teaching lessons to castaways...that is no way for a half-demon to live. No way to live at all."

"He seems to be doing just fine."

The high cor sighed. How come were parents so obnoxiously stupid about their offspring so often?

"He seems to be doing fine because he would rather die than have you hear him complain about things like that," he explained patiently.