No Obligations

Perhaps the unified color scheme had been specifically designed to be a cause of constant melancholy. That was what it did to people. Rarely did Ted see anyone smiling, or laughing, for that matter, and even the most delicious street food was enjoyed with a sour face. This was the new custom of the land. The high cor was itching to see just how bad things in Neul were.

"I am going to pull out a card or two in order to see what we should do about Eknie," Ted said.

"You do that."

For some reason, the high cor could not recognize the pack of cards he found in his left pocket. It had Zerielle's trademarks all over the intricate paintings, but otherwise, it was a nearly perfect replication of the original Draconist Pack.

The White Horse.

Ted put the card back in the deck as soon as he comprehended the implications.

"Was it something unpleasant?" Madorn asked.

"Very much so."