The Last Madman

Mad. That's what men like him were, and they, too, were prone to the same folly that had taken over Eknie, except that men like him never fell in love with anything more than a concept.

Eknie let the scientist go and ran to Ted.

The high cor chuckled.

Men like Mad had to fall.

He had wrapped the tentacles of his insane mind around Eknie, too, though, and she was tearing Ted's sleeve, weeping openly.

"Don't! DON'T DO IT! I beg you, Ted, please don't touch it! He has shown me! It's dangerous!"

"I know what he has shown you, and that is not anything impressive," Ted scoffed at her, pushing her away.

She let go of him more easily than he would have guessed.

It had to happen – that cur, Madorn, had convinced Eknie that there was a force greater than cor Ted Tobias.

While Ted did not have any delusional jealousy, he was certain that something had changed.

He shoved the woman further away from the coil and touched the machine.