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Ebutalium Organization were formed in 1996 in Egor (Edo state of Nigeria) by a small group of individuals led by Chief Nana which was later nicked named by members as "Mugard" because of its esoteric teachings and principles. It was a period of hopelessness following the suffering of many people in Nigeria and other parts of the world because of lack of the knowledge of the spiritual world. It was formed with the spirit of uniting people of like-minds, for social interaction and spiritual growth. It was timely and it was well received because of it's founding principle of "be your brother's Keeper" embodied in it's motto: Peace and Abundance for All. Since the initial formation, the membership base has grown like wild fire. Operating as a Club to avoid misinterpretation from people whom may not have been adequately instructed spiritually. Ebutalium occult society as introduced online and style of admission has been imitated but seldom duplicated. Since the inception, there have been a rash of other groups, associations and Spiritual Organizations, that were formed to compete with Ebutalium Brotherhood, but non of them have been nearly as successful. This continual success and growth is credited to it's membership for their love, loyalty and dedication to the Founders and to this elite and powerful spiritual organization. Ebutalium Lodge, Chapter and office: Ebutalium temple of Nigeria operates a secret Lodge in Edo state of Nigeria and in New York City United States, where admission has been taking place until online admission process was introduced. Ebutalium occult Protocol: Perhaps more than anything else, it is what Ebutalium society of Nigeria from few other organization out there. It is what gives it, it's distinct flavor and elevates it above all other organization of its kind. Ebutalium secret occult code of conduct or protocol! Everything in Ebutalium temple follows a certain formality and etiquette. Ebutalium membership is about respect for each other, recognition for each other and adherence to a strict code of social ethics and decorum. Ebutalium occult is about class, elegance and nobility, in the pursuit of happiness. From the stringent process and difficult entrance of members, spiritual teachings arrangement, to the way they talk and when they talk, Ebutalium members exude enthusiasm, orderliness and discipline. They have a superior sense of hierarchy, procedure and comportment. Ebutalium temple do not use try and error spiritual principles. It must be done right. Joining the organization is a matter of determination and a will to success.

A Matter of Oath Breaking

Recently, Nick Ferrell wrote an article where he criticized the necessity for the oath of secrecy for Golden Dawn initiates. While I am not a Golden Dawn initiate, I do have some opinions about oaths of secrecy and confidentiality. I have also incorporated a kind of oath for members of my own order, but that oath is more engaged with confidentiality and ethics than actual secrecy. Still I can understand the need for such an oath as well as its limitations.

The Golden Dawn has been rife over the last century or more with various kinds of individual oath breakers. Certainly, Crowley could be considered one of the first, who published the Golden Dawn lore in his periodical "Equinox." Then we have Israel Regardie, Dion Fortune, and a host of others. I have to admit that if these individuals had not circumvented their oaths, none of their writings about the Golden Dawn would have been produced. We would have known next to nothing about this secret organization and its precious lore, and there would have been a dearth of popular occultism, paganism, wicca and magick today. Some might have been quite happy if the occult explosion of the last hundred years had not occurred, but I can tell you that I would have been quite unhappy. In fact, the thought of not being an occultist and having my mono-mania of magick to pursue is quite daunting indeed. (Ha! Maybe I need to get a life and stop being such an occult nerd.)

So I can't either blame or condemn any of these occultists for breaking their solemn oath to the egregore of the Order of the Golden Dawn, because I and many others profited from it. However, I can look at what motivated each of these individuals and determine what the driving force was that caused them to take this step. For all of the occultists except Crowley, the reason was selfless. They were driven by the desire to enlighten and inform the public. It doesn't matter too much that the material was given out of context, since it did indeed inform and enlighten many individuals. In fact, it is probably what saved the Order from complete extinction, so perhaps the egregore of the Order was behind these illicit transmissions.

Crowley's reason for publishing the Golden Dawn material was undoubtedly for pure spite. He despised Mathers and the other members of the Order. He also sought to abrogate the lore for his own personal magickal order, and he published some of Mather's manuscripts and passed them off for his own work. However, Crowley also produced his own stellar work and had many great contributions to the study and practice of magick. However, his intentions were not selfless or positive, even though the final outcome did end up being good. I suspect that Crowley got to taste the full bitterness of his betrayal of a powerful order and its egregore, if we attribute his final days to that consequence. We can also just as well believe that Crowley was just being himself to the very end, brilliant, pathological, addicted, profoundly creative, notorious and controversial. Despite his final pitiful days, I think that Crowley would be pleased with the number of occultists today who read and study his works.

Other occultists have published Golden Dawn material - much of it has been in the public domain for quite some time, so I would assume that such material couldn't be part of an oath of secrecy and confidentiality. So for this reason I couldn't condemn someone like David Griffin for being an oath breaker. In fact, I am quite happy that many Golden Dawn initiates have written books for me to read and study. However, where I draw the line is the consideration of the author's motive. Why are they writing about this material when it properly belongs to the Order of the Golden Dawn. Answering that question is very important, as I have already shown in the examples above. If the motive is a selfless desire to inform and enlighten the public, then it must be a positive development, perhaps one that the egregore has sanctioned itself in some manner. If not, then what is revealed is probably not only illicit but against the spirit of the organization.

Nick Ferrell has written a lengthy article that outlines what he thinks is invalid and wrong about the oath of secrecy in the Golden Dawn. There are things that he finds agreeable and things that he doesn't agree with and feels should be changed. That is all well and good, and probably it would be better stated by someone who has never taken that oath than someone who has.

Say you take an oath. Later on you pick it apart to determine which sections are agreeable to you. Those you agree with, you follow, the rest you ignore. Does that make any sense at all? It seems kind of fast and loose to me. It's almost like getting your driver's license and then deciding which traffic laws are relevant and which ones can be broken. A lot of drivers get away with ignoring some traffic laws, like coming to complete stop at a stop sign, but sooner or later either a traffic cop or an accident will force them to change their mind.

I believe that if you make an oath, it doesn't matter how ridiculous it is, or whether you can obey some parts of it and ignore others. If you don't respect the oath as a whole, then picking it apart will only completely undo it. In other words, if you can't respect any part of an oath, then you have no business taking it in the first place.

Confidentiality is, preeminently, the most important part of an oath. Yet confidentiality extends beyond just the names, addresses and personal characteristics of the members of the organization. It is also includes the daily business and personal interactions of the group, the magick they are jointly working, the rituals and lore that they use, group politics and interactions - all of this is strictly confidential. If materials are not already in the common domain, then they shouldn't be published except without proper authorization from the organizational heads.

I wouldn't like it if some clown in my local magickal temple decided to publish the group's rituals and activities without telling the whole group about it and getting our consent. Maybe someone might have good reasons to publish confidential or unpublished information, but if their reasons are good and if they took an oath to retain all such information as confidential, then they need to ask permission and get approval. In our order, such approval is strictly limited to the local temple, and then it is by full consensus. These are matters of ethics, and anyone who is in a formal group should take them quite seriously.

Here is an example of the oath of ethics taken by an initiate of the first degree (Neophyte) in the Order of the Gnostic Star. I can share this information with you because it has been available on the internet for the past several years.

"I in the presence of the Lords of the Universe, who work in silence and whom none but silence can express, in this temple of the most high and holy Graal (Isis-Sophia). By the order E. S. S. G. do of my own free will solemnly promise to keep secret this order, its members, its rituals and proceedings. To undertake a benevolent revelation with all the fratres and sorores of this Order. To reveal to no one except the initiates of this order the rituals, ceremonies and documents of this order. That I shall never debase my mystical knowledge in the labor and service of negative magick at anytime nor under any temptation. If I should break this sacred vow, my soul stands before those powers conjured in this sacred place to judge my actions."

Does taking this oath mean that the rituals and documents of the Order must remain inviolable secrets? No, actually, it doesn't. It means that a member of a temple of the Order must keep in confidence all that occurs within it, to protect the members and the workings that they are undergoing. The rituals are not what is kept confidential - only the ritual lore of the temple. There is an important distinction here that should be understood. I usually make certain that prospective members understand the nuances of this oath, but often, I find such an explanation to be superfluous, since it's so obvious what is being kept confidential.

Thus I would never take an oath that I didn't wholly believe in and follow to the end, and I would obey an oath that I took to the fullest possible definition. This is what is expected of occultists, and there is an important reason for behaving in this manner. That reason is rather mysterious at first glance, but if you think about it, it becomes more evident. If you break your oath with a spiritual or magickal organization, then you set up a powerful wave of negativity, distrust and dissonance that has a subtle but powerful over-all impact. If it is egregious and based purely upon one's own lust for power and self aggrandizement, then it will cause a permanent disconnect from the egregore of that organization.

Once such a breakage occurs, as a kind of willful sundering, then it becomes more difficult for any other doors or future possibilities to open for that person. If they have left a bad group, then there is no blame. If not, then they are culpable. If we consider that there are possible higher levels of spiritual and magickal development that are neither in print or held by any known organization, then its possible that such lore would be in the hands of individuals who have achieved the highest level of spiritual and magickal attainment in this world. These individuals would very likely judge an oath breaker as not trustworthy for the greater lore, thus he would be overlooked even if his achievements were monumental.

As far as the Golden Dawn is concerned, a branch or a temple may be bad or corrupt, however, the egregore is still a powerful and positive vehicle in the spiritual and magick world. An oath made in that temple is to the egregore, not to the temple hierarchy. Violations of that oath will be measured against the good and the harm that such an action has caused. The intent of the violation must also be weighed, and that should indicate whether someone meant to do it for the greater good, or did it for ego or spite.

Nick has bragged that when he published an ebook version of the Book of the Tombs, a document that hadn't ever been published before, he managed to single handedly silence a dispute between two warring factions of the Order that were fighting over the disposition of the Vault of Adepti. The vault is a chamber device that is used in the inner order to conduct intensive forms of magick and initiation, which the document outlined in detail. Supposedly, the two groups then ceased their bickering when they managed to review the original dimensions and qualifications of the vault. Of course, that's his opinion, we can just as easily assume that they were silenced by his audacity and outraged at his illicit actions.

I believe the real issue is Nick's cavalier attitude to the very organization that taught him magick and revealed to him the inner mysteries. What is Nick's intention but his own self aggrandizement, which is in a word, "ego." Nick seeks to make himself a great man at the expense of the egregore of the Order that took him into its bosom. That makes him not only an oath breaker, but a real blackguard as well. Nick seems to be ruled by his piratical rapaciousness for secret occult lore, which he turns around and publishes, all for the greater glory of himself. He seeks not to inform the general public, but instead to promote himself as an authority and a master of secrets. In declaring himself to be an oath breaker, he has shown the world that he can't be trusted, and has unwittingly slammed the door on any future transmission of even greater occult lore. Potential higher adepts would never consider him as a colleague, and who in their right mind would want to have that option negated?

I don't feel impressed by what Nick has done, instead I feel sorry for him. Who could ever trust this man with their lore or their mysteries? However you attempt to spin this dilemma, an oath breaker is just that, an oath breaker. It's someone who betrayed the trust that other individuals placed in them, all for the greater glory of themselves.

You are correct that the dicussion or debate silenced regarding the correct construction of the Vault after Nick Farrell profaned 'The Book of the Tomb'. I was shocked! One of the true jewels of the Traditon was suddenly profaned. Scholarly discussion went out through the window. I felt sad....and very hurt by his actions. I also felt (and still feel) guilt. Nick of course knows all this and even trows a pinch of salt into my wound. Everyone may read at his blog now that the actual fault was all mine from the very beginning.

The profanation aside, what also makes me irritated is that people has to attribute Nick when then distribute 'The Book of the Tomb' (as there are no other copies available beside some incomplete excerps in Regardie's 'The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic'). There's a number of people who could have done the same a long time ago, but haven't. Nick did, and I'm sure that you are correct in your assessment that he did it for his own self-aggrandisement. Personally I believe it is a self-embarrassment. Unforunately not only for him but for the entire Golden Dawn community. Little does Nick know that the Golden Dawn community is silently watched by the key holders to the highest alchemical mysteries. The solidity of the Golden Dawn Traditon is effectively compromised by his and other profaners actions. Like you say, how can the guardians of the true mysteries trust a Golden Dawn initiate now?

I suppose you are aware that Nick Farrell plans to publish the entire corpus of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega, including its initiation rituals? Then he will suddenly also have the copyright to that material, although there is a Order today who has performed it regularily for almost two decades now. How is that for a grand scheme? I call it a hijack of an entire egregore.

Now Nick justifies that anyone can access that material (which he claims is from 1910) in a library. So what? How many individuals has actually seen these papers outside of the Order (or Adept) who wrote them? Nick is probably the first occultist who has. He calls this "public domain". Really? O.k. I call it "rationalization" (a Freudian concept btw Nick).

Thank's again Fra. Barrabbas for your valuabe input.

You are welcome to the land of riches and power where your dreams shall come to pass, Shake hands with the spirit of money and enjoy a lifetime of wealth, luxury and extravagance.

Live large as you've always wished.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

We are a The lemic group working the lesser and greater mysteries of the African tradition as these mysteries have been influenced by the Book of the Law.

We conjure, invoke, summon, predict, and heal whatever sickness without mistakes or repetitions. We also render divine advise in Business or any area that is of your interest that is confusing you.

We also render home services if required. Like Money Invocation at your private house, Home Cleansing, Curing of mental disorders, Sweeping away of any unwanted and disturbing spirits at home.

Give our power, knowledge and ability a try, and a trial will Undoubtedly convince u beyond believe. All you hear about us is true except bad ones.

We accept all traditions except those whose dogma teaches eternal damnation or the subjugation of women or other groups based on race or creed.

We are a society of individuals seeking to improve the planet by application of the principles propounded in the Book of the Law.

Our rites and lore are cumulative and lead gradually to the understanding and intelligent application of that which has been called the Great Secret:

Ebutalium is a great society with compassion to their sole admirer. We care for your desire and promise to elevate you from your present floor.

The ritual that we do involve healing, love, harmony, wealth, wisdom, prosperity, elevation in any positions and creativity. The potions that westir might be a headache remedy, a cold tonic, money spell, friendship oil, love casts, or an herbal flea bath for our pets. We strive to gain knowledge of and use the natural remedies and divine powers placed on this earth bythe Divine for our benefit instead of using synthetic drugs unless absolutely necessary or stealing, roberry, killing, persecutions to acquire Money, Fame, Love, earthly properties and happiness. We are saying no to that method of the other Dominated Religions.

Advancement in the Brotherhood's degrees of wisdom and power can, however, translate into a virtual guarantee of lifetime security because you are building a power within yourself that can never be taken away. Success is not handed to anyone on a silver platter and only you can guarantee your future happiness.

Please Be Informed that Initiations and advancements are provided to those seeking the wisdom, empowerment and light of the classical African tradition through our fraternity. Our Order, remains true to the classical tradition. Our Order provides the sincere seeker the opportunity to become part of our fraternities, sanctuaries and temples in Nigeria, in Ghana. In addition, we provide astral initiations and advancements for those who seek the light for knowledge and spiritual, magical transformation but do not live by a temple.

All your life difficulties are a minor issue as long as you are a registered member in our great society which was founded by Mugard in 1996 to provide access to Ebutalium teachings, comfortableness to our people and religious services to sincere spiritual seekers in and around the world. This group won't restrict you from attending to your own religion, nor hold church services like other religion do. All we do is to give spiritual understandings, advice, solutions to problems to any of our own who seek for it on our own desirable time and date.

We also initiate into our bloodless Family Society called "EMT" which is pure and free from witchcraft or killings.

As a full initiate member, You stand to gain lots of benefits from your adventure into our world. Three days after initiation or acceptance, you will be given a gift of N30,000,000 for a start up.

After six months of scrutinizing you will be enroll in what we called (FM) FAMILY MONEY, Every one year N200,000,000 will be giving to you. Invest it, use it wisely and make vast profit out of it.

The Occult of Ebutalium is a spiritual lighten to the future of the unknown, of richest and success, don't live the life you can't control due to your inability of spirituality that sees beyond physical.

We are a group of strong brothers who came from different walks of life for the purpose of alleviating the sufferings of our people Ebutalium Brotherhood are most probably the most well known secret society in the world. For years the world economy has functioned on the premise: To get ahead you have to step on those around you. You are on your own, struggling to keep your head above water. This is what this gross misinformation with which we had been raised has led us to, to misery, uncaring and wanting. Secret Societies protect their members, protect what is dear and precious to them through secrecy, because if the rest find out, these sacred things including the truth will also be destroyed. we are here to protect you

if you so desire! we are here to lead you if you wish, your destiny is your hands you can take a move now.

Power,Glory and fame.

Desired by many but achieved by few. Only a Man/Woman with a WILL OF STEAL can walk through flames to achieve the desired outcome.



lean to see the light in darkness...

life cant be seen by the living but by the dead.

I want you to see Me but the more you look, the less you see...

if you want to lean, dont see with your eyes or hear with your ears...stand still and listen...listen to nothing, for in nothingness is a whole new life.

you look at me but you dont see me, in order to see me you must know me, in order to know me you must find me but you wont because I exist not.

I was never here...

I am nothing...


Message from the Lord.

The Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic

IT is loftily amusing to the student of magical literature who is not quite a fool—and rare is such a combination!—to note the criticism directed by the Philistine against the citadel of his science. Truly since our childhood has ingrained into us not only literal belief in the Bible, but also substantial belief in Alf Laylah wa Laylah, and only adolescence can cure us, we are only too liable, in the rush and energy of dawning manhood, to overturn roughly and rashly both thes classics, to regard them both on the same level, as interesting documents from the standpoint of folk-lore and anthropology, and as nothing more.

Even when we learn that the Bible, by profound and minute study of the text, may be forced to yield up Qabalistic arcana of cosmic

scope and importance, we are too often slow to apply a similar restorative to the companion volume, even if we are the lucky holders

of Burton's veritable edition.

To me, then, it remains to raise the Alf Laylah wa Laylah into its

proper place once more.

I am not concerned to deny the reality of all "magical" phenomena;

if they are illusions, they are at least as real as many unquestioned

facts of daily life; and, if we follow Herbert Spencer, they are at least

evidence of some cause.

Now, this fact is our base. What is the cause of my illusion of

seeing a spirit in the triangle of Art?

Every smatterer, every expert in psychology, will answer: "That cause lies in your brain."

English children are taught (pace the Education Act) that the

Universe lies in infinite Space; Hindu children, in the Akaca, which is

the same thing.

Those Europeans who go a little deeper learn from Fichte, that the

phenomenal Universe is the creation of the Ego; Hindus, or

Europeans studying under Hindu Gurus, are told, that by Akaca is

mean the Chitakaca. The Chitakaca is situated in the "Third Eye,"

i.e., in the brain. By assuming higher dimensions of space, we can assimilate this face to Realism; but we have no need to take so much


This being true for the ordinary Universe, that all senimpressions are dependent on changes in the brain, we must include illusions, which are after all sense-impressions as much as "realities"

are, in the class of "phenomena dependent on brain-changes."

Magical phenomna, however, come under a special sub-class, since

they are willed, and their cause is the series of "real" phenomena

called the operations of ceremonial Magic.

These consist of:

(1) Sight.

The circle, square, triangle, vessels, lamps, robes, imple-

ments, etc.

(2) Sound.

The invocations.

(3) Smell.

The perfumes.

(4) Taste.

The Sacraments.

(5) Touch.

As under (1)

(6) Mind.

The combination of all these and reflection on their


These unusual impressions (1-5) produce unusual brain-changes;

hence their summary (6) is of unusual kind. Its projection back into

the apparently phenomenal world is therefore unusual.

Herein then consists the reality of the operations and effects of

ceremonial magic, and I conceive that the apology is ample, so far as

the "effects" refer only to those phenomena which appear to the

magician himself,the appearance of the spirit, his conversation,

possible shocks from imprudence, and so on, even to ecstasy on the

one hand, and death or madness on the other.

Good news to every ono, the year of riches has come and the head Of Ebutalium society on earth has sent us to influence more people to the temple of riches, power and fame, so that people can come out of poverty and see the true meaning of life especially to them that wish to become rich, becoming a member of this brotherhood will make you to be rich, powerful and famous.

What is secret cult? In our list of secret societies in Nigeria –occult is defined as a religious or spiritual organization or a new religious movement ruled by the common interests or philosophical beliefs to reach a certain goal. An occult can be treated as a social group with deviant to the tradition religion beliefs. Cult and cultism became the object of various studies in the 1930s. A new religious movement is related to the movements started in the mid-1800s. Researches establishes cults into several categories: Doomsday cults Political cults Destructive cults Racist cults Terrorist cults Polygamist cults Distractive cults.

You will agree with me that there are no guarantee about what you might achieve seeing how many years you have spent trying to make it in life. You need a HELP, EBUTALIUM BROTHERHOOD temple can force your hands to prosperity by breaking down any spiritual force attacking your financial success. Wear our ring and make a simple prayer: MONEY, WEALTH, RICHES, SUCCESS, POWER, CCCCCBUSINESS CAPITAL and GROWTH etc are guaranteed to you.

Identifying and Replacing Limiting Beliefs: the world of PEOPLES CLUB temple organization is a center of possibilities, the spirit rules the physical, as long as you wish to remain ignorant you will die trying to make it in life.

Let no one discourage you if occult organization wants to hurt or destroy you they don't need to make you their member, there is no side effect, our powers are guaranteed.

Ebutalium secret occult power:

Your Way To Lifelong Happiness And Prosperity

Occultist Ebutalium 'MIRACLE occult POWER' takes you out of the realms of mere belief, and reveals how you can experience the REALITY OF THE INVISIBLE WORLD - where you only have to ask for what you desire in the physical world for it to be made to come true.

Think of it! You can have the money you need merely by asking for it! Once you gain entry to the invisible world you can have what you desire!

Money when you need it - but much more! You can :

There are thousands of secret organizations in the whole world. Some of these organizations are opened others are private. For many years, since fifth century and until now, there is a single most well-known organization that has always been absolutely closed. It is called THE GREAT EBUTALIUM TEMPLE. For long time information about how to join THE ebutalium brotherhood in Nigeria or any other country was absolutely secret. People all over the world wanted to join this organization but only the best of the best were accepted. Since that time, a lot have changed. The Great Ebutalium temple is still positioned as one of the most powerful organization and still many people want to join it.

The great Ebutalium brotherhood society is amazing if you want to attract fame and fortune in whatever it is you want to do in life. This oracle orchestration has NO LIMITS whatsoever. If you want to be an actress or actor in Hollywood or NYC, this is a great spell to attract that height and level of fame. The Ebutalium orchestration doesn't stop at that.You can have a career in anything that requires you to be famous…and to be the best at it! If you want to obtain any of the following careers such as: Acting, Directing, Movie Production, Music Producer, Radio, Deejay, Record Label, Marketing Singing, Songwriting, Dancing, Crew Jobs, TV Production, Hosting or Co-Hosting on TV shows Writing, Promotions & PR, Playing in the NFL, NBA NHL and these are just a few of the jobs our secret members have attracted with this fame and fortune the great light orchestration. The competition is rough in these fields making it really hard to get into the business. Our society will give you the upper hand over your competition making YOUR TALENT stand out over the rest! You'll get the job in the entertainment industry that you LOVE! Power & Protection, In general, you could say that the Ebutalium brotherhood secret society gives you power. The power to make money, the power to get someone to fall in love with you, the power to succeed, etc. But in this section I am talking about power itself, the sort of power a master has over a slave, the sort of power a dictator has over his country, etc. Power for power's sake. Do you want to become a political, social and financial leader in your community? Join us today. All the powerful need protection from all aspects of life.

Our beliefs determine our thoughts and attitudes about life, which in turn direct our actions. By our actions, we create our destiny. Beliefs about sacred matters--God, soul and cosmos--are essential to one's approach to life. Ebutalium believe many diverse things, but there are a few bedrock

concepts on which most Ebutalium family concur. The

following nine beliefs, though not exhaustive, offer

a simple summary of Ebutalium spirituality.

1. Ebutalium believe in a one, all-pervasive Supreme Being who is both immanent and transcendent, both Creator

and Unmanifest Reality.

2. Ebutalium believe in the divinity of the four Vedas, the world's most ancient scripture, and venerate the Agamas as

equally revealed. These primordial hymns are

God's word and the bedrock of Sanatana Dharma,

the eternal religion.

3. Ebutalium believe that the universe undergoes endless cycles of creation, preservation and dissolution.

4. Ebutalium believe in karma, the law of cause and effect by which each individual creates his own destiny by his

thoughts, words and deeds.

5. Ebutalium believe that the soul reincarnates, evolving through many births until all karmas have been resolved, and moksha, liberation from the cycle of rebirth, is attained. Not a single soul will be deprived of this destiny.

6. Ebutalium believe that divine beings exist in unseen worlds and that temple worship, rituals, sacraments and personal devotionals create a communion with these devas and Gods.

7. Ebutalium believe that an enlightened master, or satguru, is essential to know the Transcendent Absolute, as are personal discipline, good conduct, purification, pilgrimage, self-inquiry, meditation and surrender in God.

8. Ebutalium believe that all life is sacred, to be loved and revered, and therefore practice ahimsa, noninjury, in thought, word and deed.

9. Ebutalium believe that no religion teaches the only way to salvation above all others, but that all genuine paths are facets of God's Light, deserving tolerance and understanding....

What are the rituals and practices of Ebutalium?

The religious life of many members is focused on devotion to God (perceived as Brahman, Shiva, Vishnu, or Shakti) or several gods. This devotion usually takes the form of rituals and practices associated with sculptures and images of gods in home shrines. More philosophically minded Members ignore the gods altogether and seek Realization of the Self through intense meditation.

Still others focus primarily on fulfilling the social and moral duties appropriate to their position in life. These various approaches are regarded as equally valid, and in fact are formally recognized as three paths (margas) to liberation:

bhaktimarga (the path of devotion), jnanamarga (the path of knowledge or philosophy), and karmamarga (the path of works and action).

Ebutalium occult stages Hindu religious practices center on the importance of fulfilling the duties associated both with one's social position and one's stage of life. With regard to the latter, traditional Hindus are expected to pass through four stages (ashramas) over the course of their

life: - Brahmacharga, which takes place during the school years, is focused on acquiring knowledge and developing character; - Grastha, the middle years, is focused on worldly pursuits and pleasures such as marriage, family and career; - Vanaprastha, when one's children reach adulthood, is a time of increased focus on spiritual things; and - Sanngasu, in the last years of life, one may abandon the world entirely for a life of contemplation. All stages of life for the Ebutalium, however, involve religious rituals and

practices. Some of the major Ebutalium practices are

described in the articles below. Ebutalium occult practices Ayurveda Ayurveda is an ancient Hindu system of medicine and healing that has found new popularity in the west today. Hatha Yoga Outside of Ebutalium culture, the word "yoga" is usually understood to refer to the practice of meditative movement, or Hatha Yoga. However, Hatha Yoga is only one part of the Ebutalium traditions of Yoga and Tantra. It is one of the paths leading to the ultimate goal of Raja Yoga, or contemplation of the One Reality. Kundalini Yoga Kundalini yoga is a tantric form of yoga focused on awakening the kundalini, the latent

psychic energy that lies at the base of the spine, and making it rise through the seven chakras to the top of the spine. Namaste Greeting The gesture (or mudra) of namaste is a simple act made by bringing together both palms of the hands before the heart, and lightly bowing the head. In the simplest of terms it is accepted as a humble greeting straight from the heart and reciprocated accordingly. Puja (Pooja) Puja is a religious ritual which some Hindus perform every morning after bathing and dressing but prior to taking any food or drink. Puja is seen as a way of relating humans to the domain and actions of the divine, and can be performed for anything considered divine, from Vishnu to a holy tree. The Sadhu (Holy Man) Some Hindus choose to leave their homes and dedicate their lives to spiritual disciplines. They renounce their possessions and devote themselves to a particular god and/or meditation, yoga and spiritual discussion. These are called sadhus, or holy men. Temples and Temple Rituals A guide to Hindu temples: how they are designed and built and the rituals and ceremonies that take place there


There are invisible powers behind talismans and charms. It is no secret that eminent successful persons, top celebrities, business executives, career diplomats and international stars are regular users of charms, talisman, and amulets.

Literally thousands of successful case histories, miracle after miracles, which will change your life too. Protect yourself from evil doers.. jinxes, hexes, spells crosses, business, success, lotto win, Good luck, Love Marriage, Silent Rich, Do As I say, Visa Approval, Protection, Exam Success, Barrenness to fruitfulness . Spend & Return Back, curses and things that scare you most.

Ebutalium believe in one supreme spirit called Brahman. Ebutalium believe God is all things in the world—not just a spirit in the sky. Brahman does not just exist; it IS existence. Brahman can be worshiped in many forms, such as other "gods" such as Vishnu , Shiva, Ganesh or Krishna, so many people think Hindus worship many gods, but actually all other gods represent Brahman in different forms. This is similar to Christianity.

Christians worship Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. They call this the Holy Trinity in Christianity—not three different gods, but three forms of the same God.


years back i was like you, seeking the unknown. finally it came to me and consumed me. what you seek is no joke dear. you are about to become a part of a DARK WORLD that knows no rules other than "WILL". you think you need this, you think you are ready but i tell you, no one is equipped to face the unknown for it is older than time. CHOOSE WISELY YOUR NEXT STEP!

Join the Ebutalium occult society for fortune, progress sucess in business, promotion in your office and many more. It's a promise if you can really get yourself involve in this Kingdom what ever that is your heart desire must be granted onto you, you will be among the people that maters in this world.

This is your time to make your family proud and be happy again in life don't miss this opportunity because it only comes but once we are here to build your future and make your dreams come true and note that poverty is like a motor without engine which is like a disease in human life and you have to be aware that nothing good comes easily make your decision today and change your life, we are known as the Great Ebutalium Brotherhood high temple in Edo state, and we look forward to welcome you into our kingdom of wealth and power where dreams are archived to join.

For those of you who were raised in Christian homes, or were atheists, this intensity of spirituality may be believing there is no other way to success accept Christianity, but that is a big lie. believe me Ebutalium secret occult lead to success without human sacrifice or evil rituals.

Unfortunately, the Christian Church has prevented many in the way of freedom of the press and free speech, especially for those of the left hand path over the years. Some pastors is the major threat to many who wish to retain control, riches and spiritual powers as for our family this riches and powers is in the hands of the common man. Your wealth is in your arms and your progress is in your palms.

Occult has been deliberately suppressed and followers have been severely persecuted. Some fake religions have been free to promote their own lies and horror stories about occult.

Most right hand path religions are based upon stolen and false practices.

As to those Christians who pray and keep praying with no answers, Ebutalium family get instant answers and I don't mean twenty years later, but instantly!

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You being in this blog today signifies that it was ordered and arranged by the great lord shanga that from now on, you are about to be that real and independent human you have always wished you were.

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There exist a world where the sun never shines. A world known to be the home of the lost loved ones. A world that can be accessed but not escapable. This is the world I was born into. My world is dead, and all my friends are immortals, Traveling through time in search of the only thing you truly own.

why not start now building a brighter future ahead for you and your next generation by joining this occult in Nigeria or Ghana?


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