You stand in front of the Cathedral and survey the pile of rubble that used to be the entrance. Cold morning air seeps through the numerous holes perforating the once-formidable structure. Past the walls, the bodies of zombies and raiders cover the tall grass. A deep breath leads to coughing as the smell of ripe death lingers in the air. The sun's rays heat your skin. You want to sleep, to escape the sight of destruction, but there is too much work to be done and now that you lead the survivors, they all await your guidance.

Stepping through the shattered entrance, you glance around at the remaining members of your group. Uncle Lou sits on a folding chair holding his ribs though breathing normally. Mindy stands at the entrance, kicking dirt and rubble, her eyes appearing as numb and blank as one of the dead. Tom and Heather rest at the foot of the front wall. You feel a hand on your back and turn to find Emma passing by, her face smudged with dirt, eyes glazed like two smoky orbs of glass.