The phone rings and immediately connects.

"Hello? Victor Zombie?" Parker says, his voice agitated. You haven't seen Parker in a few weeks, which is rare since the two of you quickly became friends a year ago when he moved in. Besides the fact that you're both Asian, you were drawn to his sense of humor and laid-back attitude, while he maintains an outstanding work ethic and sense of responsibility. Though he's at least ten years older than you, he doesn't treat you like a kid, which is rare in your community.

"Yep, it's me. How are you? I tried calling yesterday and left a message."

"I was stuck at the museum almost all night," he says through a sigh, his voice more nasally than normal. "I'm glad to be home. It's a mess on the streets, and more and more people are showing signs of infection. Are you alone? Are your parents home?"