Chapter 4: Beauty Replacement

Both Jovanni ears were chilled by that cold, imposing voice. He raised his head and saw Kirt standing at the door, with hands in his pockets.

"...I, please allow me to leave first..." Jovanni stuttered. His eyes immediately shifted down avoiding eye contact. His inferiority complex is too high. He cannot stare at someone's eyes longer than three seconds!

"I said that no one is allowed to leave, so you can't leave."

"But... I feel uncomfortable." Jovanni replied.

Kirt was staring intently at Jovanni. "I don't care. Go back!" 

Jovanni felt Kirt's piercing gaze though his eyes were looking down. The chilling sensation crept from his ears to his entire body.

"Kirt, what happened?" 

Their standoff attracted the students' attention, especially Kirt's friends and the ladies whose eyes are always following him. 

Jovanni was put in the situation where he hated the most. Everyone's attention was fixed on him and Kirt. He felt the intent stare from all directions. His face slowly turned red. He rushed back to his seat.

"What happened?" Carlo inquired.

"...Kirt stopped me," Jovanni answered.

"Why would he?"

"He said no one is allowed to leave yet." 

"He is too domineering!" Carlo was annoyed.

"I think he is," Jovanni replied while massaging his chest.

"Then just stay for a while. Later, you will feel better as your body slowly adapts the loud music. Here, drink this." Carlo handed a glass of cocktail. 

Jovanni hesitated for a while.

"Don't worry, the alcohol content is very low."

"Thank you, Carlo." Jovanni accepted the glass, but he only took a sip. His father is extremely strict, so he never touched any alcoholic drink before. He has no idea how high his alcohol tolerance is, so it's better not to drink much to be safe.

Carlo and their seatmates hit the dance floor as everyone did, leaving Jovanni alone at their table.  

Jovanni took his phone and sent Leandro a message informing him that he might come back late. After sending the message, he fiddled with his phone for a while. Thankfully, he started feeling better as Carlo said. He searched for some drawing hacks and techniques to kill time. 

Jovanni was immersed in reading when a glass of cocktail was slammed at his table. When he looked up, his innocent eyes met Kirt's cold, piercing gaze. 

"Drink this!" Kirt ordered before Jovanni could turn his eyes away.

The timid Jovanni was oppressed by Kirt's domineering air, but he tried to compose himself. 

"...Thank you, but I already have my drink..." Jovanni looked down holding the glass that Carlo gave.

"I said, drink this!" Kirt yelled, but Jovanni strongly refused, not even raising his head a bit.

Kirt was annoyed, he gestured at the stage, the loud music suddenly stopped. Jovanni was shocked and raised his head. The confused students were looking around and their eyes stopped at Kirt and Jovanni, again!

The students were silent, but their curious eyes were intently looking.

"Kirt, what's wrong this time?" A beautiful lady held Kirts' hand and asked.

"Oh, it's nothing." Kirt replied as he took his hand from the lady. He moved closer to Jovanni and whispered.

"I remember you. Aren't you the one who dumbly looked at me last month... If you don't want to live your life in BU like hell, drink this!" Kirt threatened.

Jovanni was nervous. King was right, this Kirt holds grudges. But, he wasn't doing anything wrong at that time, so what kind of grudge does Kirt hold against him who was just curiously looking at him?

"So, do you want to drink or not?" Kirt asked. 

Everyone was looking at Jovanni. They wondered what he made that irritated the heartthrob. They were curiously waiting for Jovanni's response, but most of them couldn't hide their mocking smiles. Jovanni saw them and his inferiority hit the highest level. He wanted to flee immediately.

Jovanni slowly reached the glass and then gulped the wine inside. The taste was tolerable, but he suspected that the alcohol content was high since he started feeling uncomfortable. He wiped his mouth while waiting for Kirt to turn away, but instead of turning away, Kirt put another glass on the table.

"And this!" Kirt said.

"...I'm sorry. I cannot drink more."

"Then remember what I told you. And I would like to inform you, that I mean every word that I said."

Jovanni is just an ordinary student. A working student who has no power and capability to offend someone like Kirt. He just wanted to study peacefully, so he needs to be more patient. If drinking a few glasses of wine is what appeases this guy's unreasonable rage, then he is willing to endure. 

Jovanni reached out and emptied the glass. He started feeling dizzy. His alcohol tolerance is really low. When he put down the empty glass, another glass was slammed at the table. Jovanni took the glass and drank it all. His world started spinning after drinking the third glass. In his spinning vision, he saw another glass, so he drank it all again. The students saw him close his eyes and then his head flopped at the table.

Looking at the unconscious Jovanni, Kirt smiled mischievously while drinking his wine. He gestured at the stage, then the disco music resumed. Kirt told everyone to continue their fun. The students drank their wine and hit the dance floor again. 

Three hours later, many of the students were already drunk. The officers ended the party and sent them back safely. Jovanni was still sleeping soundly. An officer tried to wake him up, but he just groaned and didn't wake up. That officer called another officer's help, but Kirt approached them with a hotel attendant.

"I will take care of him. You may go now." Kirt ordered. He was drunk, but his alcohol tolerance is high, so he was still walking straight even if his friends were already wasted.

"Are you sure?" The officer asked.

"Yes. So you can go." 

"Thank you, Kirt." The officer said while rushing to the door, afraid that Kirt would take his words back.

Jovanni woke up as he felt cold water being poured on his face. Shock and confused, he wiped his face with his bare hands. When he opened his eyes, he saw Kirt's figure looking at him, holding a cup.

"Where am I?" Jovanni suddenly sat up, but he felt dizzy, so he lied back.

"You are in my hotel room, occupying half of my bed which is supposed to be occupied by a beautiful lady." Kirt's intoxicated voice replied.

"...??? What...???" The muddleheaded Jovanni was dumbfounded.

"I said I lost a beauty tonight, so you must prepare yourself to replace her!"

"!!!What!!!??" The innocent Jovanni, for the very first time in his life, heard these remarkably shocking words that shook his entire existence.