Chapter 12: Chasing you

Cold night breeze hit Jovanni's face. He was sitting at the backmost seat on the last bus going to his hometown. Jovanni closed his eyes, relaxing his mind. The cold breeze blowing at his face calmed him down. His phone vibrated in his pocket. An unknown number called. He canceled the call and turned his phone off for he had guessed who the caller is. He blocked Kirt's number, so he probably used another one.

It was around nine in the evening when Jovanni reached home since their house is farther from the highway, so he had to walk for over thirty minutes. He knocked on their gate for a while before his father came out.

"Pa, I'm back."

"Why did you come back at this hour?" His father, Rolito, asked. In rural areas, nine pm is already late since rural folks sleep early.

"...I cleared my school commitments this afternoon, so I decided to ride the last bus."

"Okay. Go and rest. Tomorrow, go to the farm early."

"Yes." Jovanni replied and went to the storage hut at the back of their house where his room is located.

As he opened, he was welcome by a dusty hut. He put his bag and took the bread that he bought. He was starving, so he should eat first before cleaning. His father didn't even ask if he had eaten or not. The other members of the family didn't even peek their heads to see him, but Jovanni is used to it. In this family, he is someone who has no worth.

At dawn break, Jovanni went to their farm. It is a quarter-hour walk from their home. He tended the cattle. In the grassland, he met his old friends.

"Jovanni! You're back....!" His friends, Kian and Edong were excited. They were tending their cattle too, as the three of them used to do. Kian and Edong are a year older than him, but they didn't go to college and focused on farming instead. This is what Jovanni's father wanted him, but he strongly refused. He has his dreams and he will pursue them.

"Yes, I am back! How are you here?" Jovanni was excited. Finally, he was welcomed.

"We are fine!"

"Whoaaa... Look how fine-looking are you now! Living in the city will really make our skin fair and smooth!" Edong praised.

"Yes Jovanni, you look delicate now. You cannot do farm works anymore!" Kian seconded.

"What are you talking about?" Jovanni laughed. "I specifically came back this semester break to do our old business. I need to earn money for my living expenses for the next semester."

"Really? Then you are very welcome. Our business is still doing good."

"Yes! Later, come to our rest house in your free time." Edong invited.

"Thank you."

Jovanni was thankful for having friends like Kian and Edong. They were the only persons he relied on in this place all these years. They were the reasons why he was able to save up money. It was by selling firewoods. He was a sophomore when Edong thought of the idea of selling firewoods. It was when Jovanni told them that he wanted to study college not only to pursue his dreams but also to get free from the misery he is suffering at home. His two friends were aware of his struggle, so they find ways and came up with this idea. Jovanni's allowance is just a little amount. Even if he started saving it at fourth grade, it's not enough to support him for a year in college.

Jovanni grazed the cattle for over an hour. When the sun rose at six, he went home to cook their breakfast. This is his daily routine at home, doing both the farm and house works. He has two younger siblings, a fourteen-year-old brother, and a twelve-year-old sister. They are big enough to do their fair share of household chores, but his mother and grandmother pampered them. They are pampered to the point that they only got their hands wet when bathing and eating.

Jovanni toiled at his home and on their farm all day. In his spare time, he gathered and chopped some firewoods. When he lay in bed at night, his muscles and joints ached. It has been half a year since he didn't do heavy work, so his muscles were strained. After tossing and turning for few minutes, he finally fell asleep.

The next day was a busy day for Jovanni. They are going to plant rice in their field. His father hired few workers, but he is required to help.

Late in the afternoon, Jovanni's entire family was gathered in the living room. It was the weekend, so his siblings were present. They were playing on their phones while the adults were watching television.

A black car stopped at the family's front gate that drawn the entire family's attention. A handsome young man came out. The entire family curiously went out.

"Good day, I am Kirt, Jovanni's friend. I am looking for him." Kirt said. He was surprised to see how comfortable Jovanni's house is. This is the biggest house he saw in this neighborhood. This family is leaving well, so why did Jovanni is working at school?

"Yes. I am his father. He is on the rice field."

"May I know where your rice field is?" Kirt inquired.

"Young man, come inside." The mother eagerly invited. "The rice field is not a good place for your sight. It's muddy and dirty."

Hearing these words, Kirt's face twitched a bit. "May I know what is Jovanni doing there?"

"He is planting rice!" Ella, Jovanni's sister, eagerly replied. Kirt's face dimmed.

"I want to see him now. Could you tell me the way?"

"Kuya Kirt, I will show you the way." Ella presented.

Kirt asked the elders' approval before heading to the farm with Ella.

"Pretty girl, what's your name?" Kirt asked as the car started.

"I am Ella." She eagerly replied.

"Mmm. Ella, you are Jovanni's sister.

"Yes. I am the youngest!"

"Your Kuya Jovanni is the eldest?"

"He is papa's eldest son."

"What do you mean?"

"We have different mothers. Kuya Jovanni's mother eloped with another man..." Ella replied that made Kirt speechless for a while.

"Does your brother likes working on the farm?"

"I think so because he goes to the farm when he is done cleaning the house..."

"He did the cleaning too?"

"Yes, and the cooking too, but mama is the one doing the laundry because she is very sensitive."

"Don't you think your eldest brother is doing too much work? You and your second brother should do the house works instead since Jovanni is working at the farm."

"But Lola said that Kuya Jovanni should do those works."


"I don't know, but she said she didn't like Kuya Jovanni because her mother is a no-good woman. Lola despised Kuya Jovanni's lowly mother, so she didn't like him."

Kirt's ears pricked hearing such a degrading word from a kid. He gritted his teeth.

"Your father treat Jovanni the same?"

"Yes. He is very strict with Kuya. When Kuya was still young, he was always beaten by Papa every time he made a mistake, but now he is already big and didn't make mistakes anymore."

Kirt was silenced for a while because he was enraged.

"Kuya Kirt, turn left. We're almost here."

Kirt then turned left without saying a word.

It was past one in the afternoon, the sun was blazing, but Jovanni, together with Kian and Edong and the other workers his father hired were still happily working. They were taking no notice of the intense heat and mud. Their happy chat was interrupted when a black car was approaching.

"Who's rich man is strayed in this remote place?" Jovanni heard Edong and raised his head, then his heart skipped. How come this familiar black car is driving here?! He was nervous.

When Kirt came out, the lively workers were silent. Later, a buzz of appreciation was heard. Rural folks seldom saw good-looking city people. They were very curious.

Jovanni saw Kirt's furious face and instantly guessed that something unpleasant is bound to happen.

"Come here!" A familiar imposing voice yelled.