Chapter 18: Kirt's wrath

Saturday night, King was driving his brother's car with Jovanni sitting beside him while Gio and Leandro were sitting in the backseat. They were heading to the venue that King had booked.

"Mighty King, where the heck are you treating us?" Gio curious.

"Just shut up. We are almost there." King replied chuckling.

"You are quite mysterious. It creeps me, you know!" Gio complained.

King laughed in response. Jovanni was silent, but he was as curious as Gio since he needed to update a certain someone of their venue. They were heading towards the seaside, but he waited to see the place first before informing Kirt. He was holding his phone, waiting.

"We are here!" King declared as his car stop at the front of a building. When he saw the signage, Jovanni's heart jumped!

"DreamSky?!" Jovanni was shocked.

"Yes!" King proudly answered.

"Whoahhh! Gio exclaimed. "Mighty King, you are awesome! This place is for the upper crust only.

"Who am I? Aren't I the mighty King Enrique?" King, who was honored and satisfied, bragged.

"Yes, you are!" Leandro agreed laughing, but Jovanni's face was helpless.

"Jovanni, what's wrong?" King turned to him.

"...I thought we are just eating in a restaurant..."

"Hey Jovanni, it's good to experience this kind of place once. And it's free, why make such face." Gio commented.

"But..." Jovanni was speechless. How can he explain to his friends that this trivial thing might put him in a terrible situation? He told Kirt that it is just an ordinary dinner, if he informs him that they are in this all-night music bar, he will be in trouble for sure.

"What are you worried about?" King was starting to doubt Jovanni's indifference.

"Jovanni, tell us. Is someone restricting you from going to this kind of place?" King asked which surprised and silenced the two sitting at the back, including Jovanni himself. His hand that was about to compose a message to Kirt, was suspended.

"...No...none...!" Jovanni stuttered.

"Then, who are you sending a message to?" King probe further.

"None. I am just looking at some website." Jovanni replied while locking his phone.

"You are acting odd for a few months already. I really thought you got a girlfriend behind our backs." King jested.

"Ohhh?" Gio teased. Leandro was smiling mischievously too.

"...I don't have a girlfriend!" Jovanni replied. 'But I have a domineering boyfriend...' His thought screamed.



"Since we are all single young men, let's leave our phones here in the car."

"Why? We need our phones." Jovanni objected. His situation will get worse if he left his phone.

"It's my birthday, so I want your full attention. And, I have a wonderful surprise for everyone." King smiled wickedly and snatched Jovanni's phone. He also collected Gio and Leandro's mobile phones before he told everyone to get out and locked the car with all their phones inside. Jovanni was getting mad, but he cannot insist on taking it back. King, like Kirt, is quite overbearing too.

They followed King to the room that he booked. When the door was opened, Gio and Leandro jumped in surprise, but Jovanni wanted to go home immediately. Inside, sat four beautiful ladies. Jovanni was rooted on the door. King dragged him inside, not giving him a chance to escape.

Kirt was busy fiddling with his phone. He had sent messages to Jovanni, but the other side didn't respond for fifteen minutes already. He called twice but no one answered.

Hey, Lord Kirt! It's been a long time since we hang out together but it seems that you are not in the mood..." Eman commented.

"I'm fine." Kirt replied.

"Then, let's start the party. The girls here are heartbroken since you ignored them."

"Okay. Order what you want."

"Yeah! Hey ladies. You all heard it? Let's enjoy the night!" Eman and the others were very enthusiastic, but Kirt was getting pissed off.

Two hours passed, it was already ten in the evening. Jovanni was too eager to leave, but King wanted to stay all night. He even set up a lady to Jovanni's side.

Jovanni tried to put a distance between him and that lady, but King, who was beside him, pushed him to her. Not only King was acting as a matchmaker, but he was also acting as a good host. He makes sure everyone had their fair share of alcohol. Jovanni's head was starting to get dizzy.

Three hours had passed, but Kirt hasn't received a single message from Jovanni. His mood was getting worse that even the strongest wine cannot ease his irritation. His mood was really bad when Carl rushed in.

"Eman, Yana is in the opposite room with that arrogant BMI student!" Kirt heard Carl reporting.

"Fuck! She refused my invitation tonight but she is dating that bastard! I'm gonna beat that bastard!" Eman stood up.

"Sit down!" Kirt ordered.

"But, Lord Kirt. He is coveting my woman." Eman complained.

"Is she your girlfriend?"

"No. Not yet, but I have courted her for two months already."

"Then you should forget her! It's been two months, so it means she's not into you."

"But Lord..."

"Enough!" Kirt yelled. Eman sat back, feeling wronged.

"It's not only Yana that I saw in there." Carl added. "Remember that ancient man that Lord brought before?"

Kirt heard this and his ears pricked. "What ancient man!" He yelled.

Carl was surprised by that powerful yell. "Ah! Lord Kirt, the one that you brought here before last semester... He is with...them..."

Kirt stood up before Carl finished his words. He was flaming with rage while going to the opposite room.

Jovanni was dizzy. Ellaine, the lady that King brought to his side was also getting drank and was sticking to his side. Jovanni was dying to go home, he had asked King's permission many times, but King just ignored him. He was really anxious.

Suddenly, the door was kicked open. Everyone was shocked. Jovanni raised his head, and his entire being shivered. Kirt, with an enraged face, that he has never seen before, walked towards them. Jovanni's trembling body started feeling numb.

"What are you doing!" King yelled.

Kirt didn't respond but flipped the table instead. The wine, glasses, and plates were scattered on the floor.

"How dare you!" King stood up and rushed towards Kirt, ready to fight, but Kirt kicked him hard. King was slammed to the couch. Gio, Leandro, and the ladies were stunned.

Kirt moved towards Jovanni. Every step was very powerful. Jovanni's dizzy head was getting dizzier.

Kirt stopped at Jovanni's front and pushed the woman away. His face was steaming.

"...Kirt..." Jovanni meekly uttered.

Jovanni saw Kirt's teeth grinding and instantly knew that he was in deep trouble. Kirt was truly enraged.

Kirt pulled and dragged Jovanni out. Everyone was shocked. Gio got his senses back when Jovanni was already dragged to the door.

"Wait! Where are you taking him?" Gio followed, but what answered him was Kirt's dagger eyes.

Gio was intimidated. Really intimidated, but he cannot just watch as Jovanni is taken by this man who bullied him before.

"Kirt Valdez, what are you up to? You are not only intruding and messing with us, but you are also taking Jovanni away. What do you think you are doing?!"

"What do you think I'm doing?!" Kirt yelled. Kirt's friends, Eman, Carl, Earl, and some ladies crowded the hallway. It was a face-off of one versus many, but Gio didn't back off.

"I don't care what are you doing, just leave Jovanni alone!" Gio said as he tried to hold Jovanni's other hand, but before he can touch him, he was kicked. He fell into the room.

"Enough! Don't hurt them." Jovanni finally found some courage.

"Shut up!" Kirt yelled at him. "Eman, ask five men in black to guard our door. These bastards are not allowed to barge in." Kirt ordered and brought Jovanni inside.

Jovanni was dragged inside and pushed onto the couch. He thought that he will be beaten, but Kirt just stood in his front, steaming.

"How dare you!" A roar was heard.