Chapter 25: Fixing a broken heart

The road was long and quiet. Kirt swiftly drove back to their apartment. On the road, no one uttered a word. Both of them were holding their rage.

Jovanni was pulled straight to the bedroom and was pushed to the bed. Kirt was pacing on the bedside, exhaling his ire.

"Jovanni dela Victoria... How dare you do this to me!!!

Jovanni sat up. He was annoyed too. Kirt playing dirty tricks enraged him. "It should be me who is asking this to you. How dare you harm my friends!"

"Harm? I left them unscathed, if I intend to harm them, they would be beaten until they will cry and call their mothers."

"But you are still using them for your selfish intention! You are scaring Yana."

"They are too nosy and it pissed me off, especially that bastard King, so I can do whatever I want to them!"

"You are talking as if these people are just playthings!"

"Yes! You are right. Those people are nothing in my eyes. If they keep on messing us. They will surely regret it."

"My friends, I considered them as my brothers, I can't let you harm them just because you want to pester me. Kirt, we had broken up, why are you doing this? We should-"

"Who is breaking up with you!" Kirt yelled and cut Jovanni's word. Jovanni was speechless.

"Kirt, you agreed to let me go. Why are taking back your words now?"

"Yes. I did let you go last time, but I never said I agree to that fucking break up...!"

" can't be too unreasonable!" Jovanni was crazy. He had spent enough tears to that breakup. His emotion had hit the lowest point in these past two days. His friends were bothered and emotionally affected too, yet this man refused to acknowledge it.

"Jovanni..." Kirt sat down at the bed, facing Jovanni. "I know you are mad at what I did last time, but it was you and your friend's fault." Kirt said while caressing the band-aid in Jovanni's head. "Does it still hurt?"

Jovanni swatted Kirt's hand away. "Don't touch me!"

"Baby, stop acting like this... It's too tiring, you know..." Kirt coaxed.

"Kirt, I'm not acting. I am really disgusted with you now!"

"I know you are jealous of what I did last time. I didn't intend to do it. I was just angered and did it out of rage." Kirt defended, but there is no way he will admit his mistake. His pride would not allow him to.

"I'm not jealous. You can do it whoever you want to, but you cannot touch me again..." Jovanni jumped out on the bed.

"Baby..." Kirt hugged him from behind. "Don't go... I had taken a bath five times... I had thoroughly scrubbed my body... Don't go, I won't do it again..."

Kirt's soft and gentle voice whispered in Jovanni's ear.

Jovanni was tightly hugged and felt the familiar warmth again. His broken heart came to life, but he hated it. He hated this frail and vulnerable heart of his, so before his entire being completely wavers, he pushed Kirt away.

Kirt was pushed, but he is far from giving up. Jovanni was already in his embrace. He's a fool if he will let him go again. He pulled Jovanni before he could escape and kissed him hard. Jovanni resisted, but Kirt held his head and waist tightly.

Jovanni struggled, trying to resist, but he was kissed hard that completely wavered his will to escape. Later, he stopped resisting because his frail and broken heart was telling him to. His mind was completely overpowered.

Kirt felt his obedience, his kiss turned gentler and passionate.

"Baby~ I miss you~" Kirt whispered in between passionate kisses. It hit Jovanni's heart. He did miss Kirt too. His kisses, his tender caress, and his warm embrace. His heart was yearning for it all in these past two days. 'It was over now'. Jovanni's thought yelled. His desire to resist was drowned by his passion.

He kissed Kirt back.

Kirt was extremely happy when Jovanni responded. His ecstatic gaze lingered on Jovanni's face for a moment.

"I really miss you!" Kirt whispered.

"I thought someone wouldn't take me back unless I beg a hundred times..." Jovanni sassed.

"There's always an exception in every rule. Baby, you must be honored, you are the only exception in my rules."

"I'm not a bit honored."

"It's because you are ungrateful and stubborn. I must impose a disciplinary measure now!" Kirt mischievously whispered and carried Jovanni back to bed.

Love is lovelier the second time around. Two men were drowned in their passion, filling their desire and yearning for each other.