Chapter 32: A ray of sunshine

Few days passed, Jovanni was recovering well with the help of Jefferson Garcia, King's brother. For the sake of hiding from the persistent Kirt, King troubled his brother in taking care of the weathered Jovanni.

Jefferson Garcia, King's elder and only brother was a licensed architect. He was ten years older than King. At twenty-eight., he was already a capable architect, working at a renowned firm.

Jefferson pampered his little brother. Their parents were strict, giving only their needs, so Jefferson grew up well-mannered, but King was the opposite. Jefferson gave everything his little brother wanted behind their parents' knowledge, so King was living a luxurious student life even though his parents were just renting him a small room shared with three other students. Jefferson suggested to his parents to let King live with him in his comfortable apartment, but their strict parents insisted on stuffing their youngest son in a tiny boarding house to make it fair with their eldest son. Both brothers thought it was unreasonable, but they respected their parents so much that they just let them arranged things the way they thought right.

Jovanni was sitting on the bed, blankly staring at the wall. His body pain was getting better, but his heart was still aching.

It was the third day since the incident happened. Jovanni was reluctant to come in King's brother's place. He was embarrassed bothering King's brother, but his friends insisted.

Jovanni was emotional. It was the third day since his heart was completely shattered. He was shrinking on the bed when the door opened.

"Jovanni..." A soothing voice called.

Jovanni straightened his body. Even if his heart was bleeding, he tried to look fine in front of King's brother. He isn't used to owing favors to others, much more worrying them from his shameful personal affair. When he turned his face to the door, he saw Jefferson with a tray of breakfast.

"You didn't go out, so I brought you breakfast." Jefferson said while putting the tray on the bed.

Jovanni was embarrassed. King's brother is very attentive to him since he arrived.

"...I was about to go out... I am sorry I trouble you sir... Please don't do this again, I feel embarrassed."

"From what I see, you are not planning on going out at all." Jefferson chuckled. "Here, eat. I won't go out unless you have eaten these."

"I will eat. Please don't waste your time watching me."

"No. I want to make sure you eat well. And stop calling me sir, okay?" Jefferson smiled.

Under Jefferson's attentive care, Jovanni's injuries were healing well. His bruises were fading.

Every morning, breakfast is served on his bed. At noon, Jefferson comes home from his office just to bring home Jovanni's lunch. At night, he is cooking dinner.

Jovanni was uncomfortable receiving such care from a person who isn't close to him. Jefferson is very kind, but his kindness made him feel uneasy. Jovanni's inferiority complex that got better after living with Kirt returned to its worse state. He was wallowing in self-pity. He felt that a person like him shouldn't expect love from others. His family can't even give it to him, so how could other people love him? He's born unlucky, so he's bound to live in misery.

It was Saturday evening, Jefferson was preparing the table for their dinner. Jovanni was sitting at the couch, he had recovered, but Jefferson didn't allow him to do even the slightest work that made him feel even more uneasy.

"Jovanni, come here. Let's eat." Jefferson invited.

Jovanni timidly heeded. "Thank you, sir..."

"I told you not to call me sir. It's too polite and it makes me feel old."


"No more but's. Just call me Kuya like King, or just call me Jeff."

"No... I can't call you directly. It's too discourteous..."

"Is it because I'm ten years older?" Jefferson asked. "Do I look that old?

"No! It's not what I meant sir!" Jovanni defended. He knew Jefferson was a dignified and successful man even before they met since King had only good words when talking about his big brother, so Jovanni felt too embarrassed to call him Kuya, much more calling his name directly.

"Then just call me Jeff. I feel more comfortable if you do."

"But, I think it's...impolite..."

"No, it's not." Jefferson smiled. "Your behavior is quite mature already, so our mental age isn't too distant. From now on, call me Jeff. Okay?

Jovanni was reluctant, but Jefferson's amiable face was very expectant, so he nodded.

"Good." Jefferson smiled. His face was very gentle. Both him and King are good-looking. King is handsome and imposing, while Jefferson is handsome and gentle. Their temperament differs too. King who is a bit spoiled is aggressive while Jefferson is calm and composed.

"Here, eat more." Jefferson said while scooping food for Jovanni.

"Sir, ah... Jeff." Jovanni stammered, he felt awkward calling Jefferson directly.

"Yes!" Jefferson laughed at his discomfort.

"Please... don't serve me food... I am already fine. I don't want to be rude... I just feel embarrassed because you treat me very well."

"It's fine. I'm used to taking care of my little brother, so don't feel awkward." Jefferson's gentle voice comforted.

"Thank you very much. I troubled you this entire week."

"It's no trouble at all. You are too quiet and behave that made me feel I'm just alone in this house. Do you know how noisy King is when he's here? He likes loud music and he is too messy. Every time he left, I spent few hours cleaning the house." Jefferson complained, but there wasn't a sliver of annoyance in his tone. He really loves his little brother.

"But King is a good friend." Jovanni said. "I troubled him, so with Gio and Leandro."

"There's no trouble in real friends, so don't feel indebted."

Jovanni was emotional. "But I feel I don't deserve their kindness. Especially your kindness, I feel I don't deserve it..."

"It's because you look down on yourself. Jovanni, you need to know your worth. You are a good man, you deserve every kindness in this world."

Jovanni smiled bitterly. "Maybe because you don't know how disgraceful I am, so you can say those things."

"I know everything..." Jefferson looked at him seriously.

Jovanni felt ashamed and looked down.

"Don't feel embarrassed. There are awful things in our life that happen for a specific reason. You may not know the reasons for now, but in the future, you definitely will."

"Thank you... Jeff."

"You're welcome." Jefferson smiled. "So, what's your plan now?"

"I don't know yet, I will return to our boarding house first. King texted me, he said they will pick me up tomorrow."

"Jovanni, you are welcome here. You can stay here if you want."

"Thank you very much, but I still have some things to take care of in school. Though I have taken the finals, but I missed my school duties, so I have to settle it first."

"What about Kirt?"

"I will find ways to evade him."

"If not for my travel this week I will help you settle things because I don't fully trust my brother's ways. My work is loaded this week since I need to go to our main branch in Manila next week."

"You don't have to. I have troubled you so much, I don't want to trouble you any further."

"Why not? Since your family disowned you, I will be your family, from now on."

Jefferson declared that stunned Jovanni for a moment.

"Well, you can add Gio, Leandro, and my little brother too." Jefferson added while scooping more food to Jovanni's plate. 

If King heard him, he will definitely object to his brother's statement. How come he put him in the last person to be Jovanni's family while confidently putting himself first!

Jefferson was smiling gently. His innocent eyes were very assuring.

Jovanni should feel warm, but he didn't want to be assuming things. He has learned his lessons.