Chapter 11: The Banquet [6]

Ardyn stood before the buffet table, staring at the variety of dishes that made his mouth water. Come to think of it, he hadn't eaten a thing ever since he arrived here.

A man still gets hungry even after death! he huffed in his mind as he picked up a plate and started choosing with his eyes.

The hall was still filled with people laughing and lively music playing to accompany the atmosphere, but Ardyn tuned them all out at this moment, too mesmerized by the enticing smells coming from the food.

What kind of aroma is this? he wondered. It's really different from the ones back in my world.

He stared at the unusual-looking fruits, the bowls of colorful salads, and the other unique dishes that looked absolutely appetizing. His fingers hesitated over the silver tongs as he debated where to start.

Ahh, let's just try a little bit of everything! he decided.

First, he picked up a slice of roast beef and put it on his plate. Next, he chose a few pieces of fruit.

His plate was soon filled with an assortment of tender meats, salads, and pastries. He leaned back against a nearby wall, swallowed in anticipation, and finally dug in.

First, he tasted the roast beef. It was juicy and perfectly seasoned, the flavors promptly exploding in his mouth. His eyes sparkled and he resisted the urge to let out a happy hum. That would not be very noble-like of him.

Next, he ate a few pieces of fruit, the sweetness bursting in his mouth, a refreshing contrast to the savory meat.

Damn! he marveled. If this world has good food like this all the time, I might reconsider staying here forever!

Ardyn happily savored every bite, feeling himself relax as time passed. Maybe this was what he needed all along! Just some good food to relieve his stress and exhaustion. He honestly felt a lot better now.

If I die tomorrow, I have no regrets. At least I got to taste something like this!

He nibbled on a pastry while looking around the hall. The nobles were still engaged in lively conversations, and a few were even talking to some civilians. It didn't seem like anyone was paying attention to him, which was good news.

Soon, the King rose from his seat, and the gesture immediately drew the attention of everyone in the hall. A hushed anticipation swept through the room, and even Ardyn stopped eating to pay attention.

King Callum raised his goblet and announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed nobles and honored guests, we gather tonight not only in celebration, but in joyful anticipation of a beautiful union. We give our sincerest gratitude to everyone who came to the castle today to celebrate with us!"

A wave of applause spread through the room.

The Queen continued with a warm smile, "Our beloved son and the Prince of this land, Evangelon Silvermane, will soon join hands in marriage to a lady of grace and virtue. In this union, we see the promise of a future built on unity, understanding, and love."

The guests raised their goblets in a toast as the couple rose from their seats, smiling as they simultaneously bowed in greeting.

Ardyn watched them absently as he returned to eating his food. Seeing Evan like this from a distance made him realize how important the younger man's position was.

Evan wasn't just a Summoner. He was also the beloved Prince of the city. Of course, Ardyn already knew this, but the realization just hit him like a train wreck.

Damn, he thought. I shouldn't make an enemy out of him.

Not that I even want to!

He decided to move closer to have a good look at the couple. He hadn't noticed it earlier, maybe because he was too preoccupied with maintaining his cover, but the two of them were dressed so elegantly that they looked like they came straight out of a storybook.

Evan was dressed in a white silk tunic with silver embroidery, paired with black pants and silver boots. A silver-trimmed coat with a silver clasp was draped over his shoulders, and a delicate silver chain with small glowing crystals hung around his neck.

Elyana, on the other hand, wore a flowing white gown decorated with delicate silver patterns that resembled starlight. The jewelry she wore had shimmering orange gems that sparkled under the lights.

They looked as if they were truly in love with each other, judging by the way Elyana held Evan's hand tightly in hers and the way Evan looked at her with an affectionate, loving expression on his face.

It was a sight that triggered memories in Ardyn's mind, reminding him of the past in his original world.

Until now, he still couldn't understand why he had never found true love in all of his twenty-five years of life. He graduated a little older than his peers, having changed his major during his sophomore year after discovering that he was more interested in graphic design.

His parents wanted him to study business, but that wasn't his style. In the end, he grew tired and frustrated and finally decided to change his major. After all, it was his future, so his parents couldn't complain. After a long talk, they agreed that he should pursue the things he really wanted for himself.

He had quite a few girlfriends back then, and although they had a lot of fun together, they eventually broke up and drifted apart, usually ending up as friends instead. It was always the girl who broke it off first, saying that she didn't think his heart was in it, that he only saw her as a friend and nothing more.

He wasn't interested in commitment, and he wasn't interested in imagining their future together, either. It had probably been quite frustrating for his girlfriends, but he thanked the lord that they were kind enough to keep their friendship intact.

To be honest, it was the girls who approached him first. It was never him. They had all been his friends before — close or not — and then they began to feel something else for him. He couldn't quite understand what they saw in him, but he tried it out anyway. After all, dating was a part of life, and he didn't mind seeing if they could be compatible.

But he never formed feelings for any girl. He was never interested in men, either. It was as if nobody in his original world was the one for him.

Does that mean…

Ardyn was eventually pulled out of his thoughts when a loud applause broke out in the hall. It seemed that Evan had just finished his speech.

He quickly finished eating and put his plate away.

After a few minutes of enthusiastic chatter, the King announced that there would be amazing performances for the people to enjoy.

Ardyn quickly followed the crowd as they dispersed into two columns, one far to the left and one far to the right. They seemed to be making way for the performances to take place in the middle of this spacious hall.

He took several steps back, feeling smothered by the crowd, until he realized he had stepped too far and was now standing next to the open door leading to the castle entrance.

At that moment, he felt someone gently grab his arm.

He turned around in surprise.

Evan's smiling face instantly greeted his vision. "Hey."

"You scared me!" Ardyn exclaimed, letting out a breath that he hadn't realized he'd been holding. "Wait, aren't you supposed to be up there with your family?"

Evan shook his head. "That's not important right now. Father and Mother always get distracted during the elaborate performances. It will take them a long time to notice my absence. Besides," he added with a chuckle, "they might think that I'm mingling with the townspeople and enjoying the night in my own way. Don't worry, they're used to it."

At that moment, Ardyn recalled Mathias' words earlier about Evan, complaining that the Prince must have some kind of wanderlust because he couldn't seem to sit still within the castle walls.

"Oh… Then, did you come to me on purpose?" Ardyn asked curiously.

Evan nodded. "That's right. I'm here to take you away for a while. Let's go get some fresh air, shall we?"