Chapter 13: A Suspicion [1]

[Twenty minutes after Evan and Ardyn left the hall]


Leon was completely, utterly bored.

With an empty gaze, he surveyed his surroundings, shallowly observing the people in the grand hall. He recognized most of them thanks to his father's insistence on memorizing the prominent members of the nobility.

He failed to see the point in any of that, though. In the first place, it wasn't like he cared about inheriting the duchy and surpassing his father's achievements.

The truth was that he wasn't fit to govern his territory and oversee the welfare of thousands of people. He wasn't interested in military responsibilities, either. Some were just meant for a position like that, but not him.

He was a traveler. A dreamer. A simple man who wanted to find love and raise a family in a quiet place where he could perhaps farm and work hard to support his future wife and children. He wasn't interested in power or fate and all that crap.

He just wanted a quiet, normal life of his own.

Unfortunately, his father, the Duke, wasn't at all impressed with Leon's attitude and his lack of interest in his royal duties.

Father has always taken his responsibilities seriously, Leon thought to himself absently as he took a sip of water. I just wish he'd stop trying to make me be like him.

He glanced at the half-eaten food on the table in front of him, wondering why he didn't feel like eating the whole thing. It was an exotic dish that was quite delicious, and there were also other cuisines on the buffet table that he hadn't tried yet.

Unfortunately, he lost his appetite somewhere along the way, and the only thing on his mind was how long it would be before they returned to the duchy so that he could finally rest in his room and be away from the suffocating festivities.

Festivals reminded him of his duties to socialize with the other royals and build relationships. Leon didn't really feel like talking to people who all had hidden agendas up their sleeve.

While Leon isolated himself at the table in the corner, uninterested in what was going on in the grand hall, he didn't notice his father approaching until the Duke came to a stop right next to him.

"It seems that you still intend on disappointing me every time," the Duke said with a frown of disapproval. "This is getting tiring, Leon."

Leon suppressed a sigh and stood up, turning his full attention to his father. He bowed his head slightly in respect. "Is there something you need, Father?" he asked politely.

The Duke shook his head in annoyance, knowing better than to reprimand his son in a public place. "I want you to keep an eye on the prince, the princess and their new little friend," he said.

Leon looked at him in confusion, his full attention successfully captured. "Keep an eye on them?" he repeated. "Including that other man? Why?"

The Duke narrowed his eyes. "They are hiding something. Seeing how secretive they're being about it, it must concern the welfare of the city. The Prince must think that he successfully snuck out, but I was watching him the entire time."

"Father, I'm afraid I do not follow."

"The Prince left with his friend, presumably to go to town. I want you to sneak out, follow them, and report to me immediately what you find out." The Duke's eyes narrowed. "They may have thought I wouldn't know, but in fact, I know all the members of the House of Hanswell. Every single one. That man is not a part of that family."

Figures, Leon thought in exasperation. Way to brag about your keen memory, Father...

I'm sure they must've had a good reason, though.

So he opened his mouth to protest, but after the Duke sent him a frosty stare, he decided to keep his lips sealed in the meantime.

This was one of the reasons he despised the intricacies of politics and the rigid structure of royalty. The figures within this hierarchical system, collectively known as the 'royals', were respected throughout the lands for their leadership and intricate connections with other members of the royalty.

The four kingdoms — specifically the Silver Kingdom, the Sapphire Kingdom, the Emerald Kingdom, and the infamous Scarlet Kingdom — each boasted its own monarchy and contributed to different cultures and traditions.

At the heart of the Silver Kingdom, the land of Elfroien, was Angelbay City, where the White Castle stood. Elfroien's alliances spanned various territories and islands which included the famed Sapphire Kingdom.

Due to ongoing negotiations and simmering tensions between Elfroien and the other two kingdoms, the Duke often sent Leon on personal missions. These missions ranged from diplomatic negotiations to discreet spying and the occasional infiltration, all seemingly benign tasks aimed at observing the movements of individuals or studying a city's routines.

But Leon had never been assigned to spy on Evan, of all people. Worst of all, Evan and Elyana were Leon's friends. The three of them had spent their childhood together and used to be quite close in the past.

Leon felt his stomach turn at the thought of having to sneak around and possibly betray the trust of his friends.

But he also couldn't afford to refuse his father.

He didn't care much about the identity of the unknown man — to be honest, there was something a little odd about that guy, Leon just couldn't put his finger on it — but he didn't seem to have much of a choice.

"I'll do as you say, Your Grace," Leon said quietly before promptly slipping out of the hall unnoticed.

Having received an invitation from the King and Queen, Leon and his father had been given guest rooms in the castle, in a section where only members of the royal family were allowed to stay.

There were no maids or servants in the corridor as they were all busy in the hall. Leon went into his room, packed a few things into a small bag, and left a few minutes later so as not to arouse suspicion.

He walked towards the gates and blended in silently with the small crowd of citizens entering the castle. Soon, he was already dressed in an ordinary brown cloak with a hood over his head and a mask covering his mouth.

It didn't take him long to notice Evan's movements. He spotted the young prince from afar as he and his friend made their way towards the town.

Leon expertly hid himself until he was sure that the two were ahead of him.

Since the festivities were going on and it was normal for a lot of people to pass by and accidentally bump into each other, he easily strolled close enough to overhear the conversation between Evan and his companion.

When they introduced the man to him earlier in the castle, Leon admitted that he had felt a little intrigued. There was something different about the man — Ardyn, was it? — as if there was some aspect that set him apart from the others. He had noticed the hint of hesitation and uncertainty, and the somewhat awkward way the guy performed his bows and greetings.

It felt a little… foreign.

Like he didn't belong here.

Father might be onto something here, Leon thought to himself.