Chapter 13: A Suspicion [3]

The man's face emerged from the vibrant festival lights as he approached. Though a mask covered part of his nose down to his chin, his eyes and distinctive orange hair were visible.

Ardyn immediately felt a pang of familiarity. It was as if he had met this person recently...


The one Elyana introduced me to, he realized. The Duke's son who's also their childhood friend.

But what's someone like him doing here?

"How did you know I was here?" Leon asked quietly.

Despite the man's cold demeanor, Evan remained smiling. "Have you forgotten that I'm a Summoner?" he said. "I can sense when someone is following me. You weren't exactly being subtle, you know."

". . ." Leon said nothing, but his gaze seemed sharper than before. Then, his eyes rested on Ardyn, who almost jumped in surprise at the unexpected attention.

What's this guy's deal? Ardyn wondered. He can't know who I am this quickly, right?

Wait, how much did he hear?

As though reading Ardyn's thoughts, Evan spoke up. "Well? Did you glean anything interesting from our conversation?" he asked pleasantly.

Ardyn swallowed as he tried not to look at Leon's intense gaze.

". . ."

"Though I do not know the reason why you followed me all of a sudden and left in the middle of the celebration…" Evan pondered aloud. "Don't you think that this is a bit too much?"

Leon's gaze returned to Evan. "I could say the same thing to you," he said. "The beloved Elfroien Prince, sneaking out of his own engagement banquet and instead spending time with someone else? Is that not enough grounds for suspicion?"

"True, I do seem suspicious in that aspect," Evan agreed. "But with the celebration going on back in the hall, I took that opportunity to spend some time with my friend here and show him around. You know perfectly well that I'm not the type to sit through grand events like that, don't you?"

Leon's expression showed a semblance of hesitation. "…Correct," he admitted. "You have always been a freer soul than I."

Evan's features softened. "I'm sure that someone ordered you to do this. Otherwise, you wouldn't seem so reluctant. You have no motives whatsoever, either."

Leon seemed to freeze for a brief moment before the cold mask slipped into place once again. "No," he said. "I did this of my own accord."

Evan knew that it was a lie, but he decided not to press the matter any further. "Well, if so, then come along with us," he suddenly offered.

Leon looked taken aback. "What?" He narrowed his eyes. "Why?"

"We should catch up, you know?" Evan's voice turned wistful. "Elyana and I really miss you."

Leon hung his head slightly, closing his eyes. "She said the same thing to me earlier."

"That's quite expected of her."

Although the conversation took a lighthearted turn, Leon remained very tense. It was as if he was preparing for retaliation or something. Or maybe he was just wracked with guilt?

Ardyn couldn't help but stare at him for some reason. There was something about the man, something magnetic. Not in an attractive way, but something else. He couldn't quite put his finger on it yet.

Just what is this feeling? he wondered. Sure, he's handsome and all, but… there's just something strange about him.

Should Evan and Elyana be trusting this guy?

He didn't realize that he kept on staring at Leon until the latter brought it up himself.

"Is there something on my face?" Leon asked him with a raised eyebrow.

Ardyn felt like his heart almost jumped out of his throat from the shock. "What? Uh, no, sorry," he said quickly. "It's nothing."

"Have you two met before?" Evan asked. "You seem like you recognize him."

"Ah, yeah," Ardyn said sheepishly. "Princess Elyana introduced me to him at the banquet earlier." He bowed to Leon respectfully. "Forgive me for my rudeness, my Lord."

"I see," Evan said with a warm smile. "It's good to know that you two are acquainted."

Leon stared at him for a moment. "You're a friend of the Prince, and you're also a Guardian. I remember your introduction earlier," he said.

"Yes?" Ardyn said slowly, not knowing where the man was going with this.

Leon's expression stayed unreadable. "And you haven't found your Summoner yet?"

"Not yet."

"Where's your mark?"

Ardyn instantly tensed at that.

That made Evan raise an eyebrow. "What's going on?" he asked lightly. "Why are you pressing him like this?"

Leon was silent for a moment. "…I'm only making sure of something," he said vaguely.

"Making sure of what?"

"I would appreciate it if you don't ask, Evan."

"I think I have the right to know why my friend is interrogating my other friend, correct?" Evan said pleasantly, the smile never fading from his face.

Ardyn was starting to sweat bullets.

What in the world was going on? What was this tension that was starting to seep into the atmosphere?

Even though they were in the middle of the streets, surrounded by the lively townspeople, it felt like the three of them were in their own little world where the atmosphere was completely different from the excitement in the surroundings.

Leon shook his head. "You don't understand, Your Highness," he said. "I am merely making sure that he is of no threat to you, the Prince. In my opinion, he is suspicious in every way, and it is one of my duties to ensure that no threat is to come to Elfroien's beloved Prince."

"A… threat?" Ardyn said, astonished. "I'm not a threat!"

"He's my friend," Evan repeated, stepping in front of Ardyn protectively. "I know him well. He would never hurt a fly."

Leon's eyes narrowed. "Why are you being defensive after I asked about seeing this man's Mark? Is he not a Guardian, after all?"

Evan shook his head. "His mark is located above his knee. Given that he's dressed accordingly in formal attire, he cannot possibly show you here in the middle of town."

"All right. I acknowledge that." Leon folded his arms across his chest. "But he is still suspicious to me. I have to keep my eye on him as much as I can."

"What exactly is suspicious about him?" Evan asked. "You have yet to give me a proper basis for your suspicions, Leon." His eyes softened the next moment. "Or is it because you are not allowed to divulge the reason?"

Leon seemed to flinch visibly at that.

What's he talking about? Ardyn wondered.

Leon was silent for a long time before finally nodding. "Understood. I will not bother you again."

He gave Evan a polite nod before turning around and walking away, presumably towards the direction of the castle.

Ardyn stared after him in astonishment.

What… What just happened?

Why did he leave like that so easily?