Chapter 16: Before The Storm [4]

What the hell am I doing right now?

I must have a frigging death wish or something!

Adrien Lowell, do you really want to die again so badly?! Fuck!

These were the thoughts that raced through Ardyn's mind as he ran for his life, hoping that no one would notice his escape. In a way, the beastspawn attacks were a blessing in disguise; they helped distract the soldiers and civilians long enough for him to run back.

The distant sounds of battle echoed behind him, and he felt guilty only for the briefest of moments.

It's not like I can do anything over there anyway!

Ardyn gasped loudly as he felt the adrenaline pumping through his veins. His legs began to burn from the exertion.

He wasn't used to running this fast! Or for this long, either. He had never even tried out for the track team in high school because he hated sports!