Chapter 8

"We're out of here. Maddy. Grab Tom." Brady said from behind.

Maddy strolled over and Damien stayed at the doorway.

"So we're going?" Maddy asked as Brady responded with a nod of his head.

"You can't go. Not yet." Damien's voice was unusually quieter than normal.

"Can I just talk to Ella? Please, just privately?"

I nodded and sat back down on the bed with Brady's help. Damien came to my side as a skeptical Brady and Maddy walked out the door which was basically just a piece of fabric. We were only in a tent.

"Ella." Damien starts out gently grabbing my hand and sparks fly once again. The familiar feeling turning nerves into comfort.

"Please stay with me. I want to get to know you a bit better." He begs. Then his eyes change to a familiar blue.

"Ella. I need you and your inner self." Then the colour disappeared.

I couldn't tell if it was a trick of the light but I could tell my face was showing my fear.

"Sorry, that was Conner. He did try to dial it down, sorry. He's feeling a bit possessive towards you." I was so confused.

"Who's Connor?" I ask.

"My wolf. What's your wolfs name?" His what? Is this some joke?

"Come on now. Yours didn't talk to you when you met her?" I could feel him getting hot. He was speechless so I had to say something.

"I don't have 'a wolf'. Cause it doesn't exist. That's the sort of stuff you read about. I'm sorry Damien." He looked taken aback.

"I can prove I'm a werewolf Ella. I'm not crazy." He stepped back a step, letting go of my hand.

Turning around he takes off his shirt and pants and I shut my eyes immediately. A few seconds later I feel a soft furry thing flutter on my thigh. Looking back up I see a wolf. It was dark grey with a sort of lightning mark on his side in a lighter shade of grey.

It was mesmerising and scary at the same time. This wolf had just appeared and Damien disappeared. There was no way he had just transformed into a wolf.

I felt like I was going to be sick. Deciding I was definitely going to throw up I rushed to an empty bin and kneeled over it. I felt hands gather my lose hair as I was sick.

Someone handed me a napkin as I finished. Wiping my mouth I sat down with Damien behind me. I felt weak as he held me. Then something I'd never thought would happen, happened.

I felt my bones crunching and changing. I squeezed my eyes closed as I screamed in pain. Electric waves rumbling through me from Damien's touch soothing amongst the pain. All the while, a faint name was constantly being said. Lillian.

When it eventually stopped I laid catching my breath. There were loud sounds of birds chirping and a faint musky smell. But a dominant smell of something I couldn't describe. I loved it. I wanted it.

Sniffing the air finding the source was easy. It, or he, was holding me. I nuzzled my nose into him. When I opened my eyes to look at him he was looking at me in admiration. He pat my head.

"Cutie." He whispered. I looked down and saw my hands. They weren't hands. They were paws. I jumped, yelped and backed away in fright.

Damien stood up, still very naked. He put his hands out in a sort of defensive position.

"It's okay. Im not going to hurt you. Can you shift back?" He asked calmly and politely. He took a step toward me and I heard myself growl then felt myself regret it.

Shift back? Was he insane? I had turned into a beast; a monster. I had paws and claws. I growled. I was like a big dog.

He took another step toward me and I whimpered. This had to be some sort of joke. Some sort of prank. It couldn't be. How could you set all this up?

I could feel my emotions wearing down. I was tired both physically and mentally. I laid down and relaxed my whole body. I give up. I just wanted this nightmare to be over. I closed my eyes. Please just wake up. This isn't real. Count to ten and I'll wake up.

Then I felt someone left my head up and put something soft underneath. I felt that. Is it a dream? Or is this actually happening?

I felt my bones crack once more and I howled until I was screaming. Then the pain died down like last time. I had to catch my breathe once again. Sparks flew down my arms where someone was touching me and I felt something cover me.

Opening my eyes to see my body covered my a big shirt, I could tell I was naked underneath. I had changed back but I hadn't woken up from this nightmare...yet. I was myself again... and I was cold. I was starting to shiver.

Warmth coming from Damien wasn't enough to keep all of me warm. He adjusted so I was sitting in his lap and his arm holding my head up. He covered me with the shirt again and I was thankful.

I was so tired to do anything so I just laid there, not moving. The only sound was my breathing and Damien's breathing. It was soothing and calming. It sort of put me in a trance because the next thing I know I hear a loud scream.

I jump and grab the nearest thing to steady me; Damien. Looking in the direction of the scream I see Maddy at the door looking at us horrified. I wrap my arms around Damien and rest my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes. Trying my best to calm my breathing back down.

"You get away from her!" Maddy yells and instantly I'm torn away by Brady. I hear Damien growl as Brady carries me outside. He puts me down and quickly shoves the shirt on my small figure.

"Stop." My small voice is barely heard. I feel like crying, laughing and sleeping all at once. Crying cause I miss the comforting breathing and sparks Damien gives me. Laughing cause I feel attached to some stranger and sleeping cause I've been through a roller coaster of emotions.

In my silence I see everyone staring at me, wondering what to do next. I felt my eyelids dropping but I tried to fight the sleepiness away. I had to stay awake to figure out a solution. I had to do something. The sun was setting. The day was almost over.

Dad. Tomas and I hadn't arrived back home. Was he looking for us? Was he scared or not bothered? Did he even realise we hadn't come home?

Tomas walked up to me and hugged me. I smiled. He was so adorable. He went to Maddy and was clinging to her leg. Brady bent down and I looked him in the eyes as he brushed my hair back. My eyelids getting droopy were an indicator to Brady to hold my head.

A growl came from Damien and he came to my side. He held my head and made Brady back up. My vision was going blurry but I wanted to stay awake. Maybe if I go to sleep I'll just wake up in bed. Letting my fight go I drifted off to sleep.

Authors note:

This might be my fave chapter so far. It kinda sucks but it kinda doesn't. Anyways I hope your enjoying!!!

Make sure to like and share!

(And sorry for the late update!)

Thanks my lovelies! ❤️✨