How much trouble am I in?

AN: I've accepted that this chapter will be pretty bad. I couldn't find a way for this to feel natural at all, and I'm sorry for that. I've been suffering from major writers block and forced this one out. Maybe one day I'll rewrite it.

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It's been a few months and it's the start of canon. How do I know? Because, Satou-sensei is saying the same stuff that Deku and Bakugo's teacher said. That and Bakugo is REALLY loud. I'll follow them after class today because I really want to see Deku's face upon seeing All Might in person for the first time. In the meantime though I'll give you a breakdown on what my life has been like in these last few months. To make it simple school is boring. Very, very, boring. Seriously, the only excitement I've had at this school was when one of my class's dumbasses thought it was a good idea to peak at the girls when they were changing. On the plus side, I now have permission to stand guard as an eight foot tall wolf outside the door when the girls are changing. Enhanced senses of hearing, sight, and smell make it relatively easy to guard or track something or someone. You have no idea how often I've been recruited into helping find lost things. Hell, I've even registered Deku and Bakugo's scents do to one of Deku's notebooks going "missing". More like hidden, how else would it have ended on top of the wall around the school, I didn't out Bakugo though. Momo is a bit more careless in keeping track of where everything is because I can find stuff so easily and I'm happy to find stuff for her because she smells nice too. And it's always a good idea to keep your SO happy, so there's that too.

On an unrelated note, I finally relented, and let Momo upload a video of me singing to Herotube. Yes, it's actually called that. Momo has said that my voice is heavenly, and at least a few hundred thousand people apparently agree. I sang Dragon Night and the world of MHA seems to enjoy it.

Sekai no Owari doesn't exist here so I'm credited with writing it and I've decided to release Anti-Hero soon as well. So let's see if music really can change the world. Well it's not like I don't plan on being a hero, though.

"Hey, Kaen you shouldn't be spacing out during class. What are you even thinking about?"

"Well Momo, I'm thinking of two things right now: how much I enjoy your scent, and about my next song."

She blushed heavily at the first one and, while still red in the face, got excited.

"You're writing a new song?!"

"Thinking about writing. And it might not go over well with the public since it's a bit conflicting with common views. Of course, I'm sure some people will love it for its message, but still, be prepared for backlash."



A few hours have passed and I'm trailing behind Deku as the smallest bird I can be, and he's just gone into the tunnel. Oh god the villain looks so much worse in real life. He looks like used motor oil. Oh, there's All Might. Oi. What's with that depressed look? There goes mister sludge. Huh, so he used a spoon to put him in the bottle, Deku has been out longer than I expected. Wait, he's actually slapping him?! Oh, good he's up. Woah. I thought it would look funny but that look is honestly, slightly terrifying. I mean his eyes legitimately look like they're about to fall out, it's creepy. Oh they're talking off, let's follow. There goes Grimmer's bottle. I'm gonna follow that since we know the rest. Wow, it bounced a lot before the cap came off he must be dizzy. I did always wonder how All Might and Deku were able to have that whole rooftop conversation before shit went down on street level. Two minutes later and here's Bakugo and "friends". Some friends, they ran screaming the moment they saw the angry Pomeranian get captured. There's Bakugo's explosions, honestly why hasn't this oil guy caught on fire? Oh, here comes Deku with his backpack. Aaand he's caught too. Hey. Why isn't All Might coming out? SHIT! I've got to do something!


Kaen burst on to the scene in a puff of smoke.

"Okay, first things first, you're going down." He said as he froze the ground between him and the villain and then started freezing the villain himself.

"Good, now that that's done, let's see if I can't rein in this inferno." He then held his hand out and slowly closed it as if he were Force Choking someone and the fire started to die down. By the time the fire was out he was sweating from exertion.

"Okay time to free Deku and Bakugo." He reached up and broke pieces of the villain off until the two were free. He then put another layer of frost over the villain and escaped from the journalists who were about to question him.


Okay all that's left is to follow Deku again. Off he goes, depressed as before. There's Bakugo doing his high and mighty shtick and running off. A wild skinny All Might has appeared. "You CAN become a hero." Good for you Deku.


"Where did you go Kaen?"

"I was just walking around town for a while."

"Oh, and did anything happen?"

"Well, um. Yeah, some guys from school got into a bit of a situation so I helped them out."

"And would helping them out have anything to do with stopping a villain attack in the middle of town where there happen to be a lot of cameras that can catch your face?"

"I guess it might be related in some small way. Heh. Okay, how much trouble am I in, Momo?"

"You sir, owe me a date because of how worried I was."

"Yes ma'am!" (°^°)7

"But on a serious note, are you okay? I really was worried about you, even if you can handle yourself."

"To be honest, putting out that fire tired me out, but beyond that, I'm fine."

"Okay then how about a nap together."


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AN: Seriously, I'm sorry for such a bad chapter I just had to get something out since its been so long. I was feeling guilty and figured something is better than nothing.