Chapter 1

"Thank you,sir" I told to the taxi driver that drove me here.He even helped me unload my belongings.I also gave him an extra payment because he was kind.

I took a deep breath before lifting my belongings up to my new apartment.Fortunately,there is an elevator here because I might die of exhaustion even before I can go up to my apartment.

When I got to my floor, I saw the landlady in front of my unit.

"Are you Rei?"

I almost jumped in shock because of her voice.She sounds and looks scary!


"Here's your key.I've already received your advanced-payment so enjoy your new unit" She gave me the key before leaving me.

"omygod" I whispered before finally entering my unit.

I smiled when I saw the apartment was clean.There are few furniture which is fine with me.I don't really need a lot of things here.I looked around the whole unit before arranging my things.It's already night time,and I just got finished.

The next day, I thought that it would be nice to cook something for my neighbors.Since I'm just new here in this apartment, I feel like I want to be friends with them.I cooked chicken caldereta and I also bought short-cakes for them.The landlady said that there's only few people who lives in this floor which is the 10th floor,so that's why, no hassle.

I knocked on their doors before giving them the caldereta that I cooked.They were older than me and looked like they were in their 30s.One of them actually lives with his girlfriend, which I found cute.

And now,I'm in front of the door of the person who lives beside my unit.I knocked few times before the person lives there,finally opened it.My jaw almost dropped when I saw him.A guy with headphones hanging around his neck.His eyes looks tired and it seems like he didn't sleep for several days.

"A-ah,hello" I greeted him.

He looked at me,confused.

"Uhm here! I'm Rei ,and I'm your new neighbor hehe" I said as I gave him the caldereta and the short-cake.

"Thanks" He quickly said and immediately closed the door.

" He opened the door on you?"

I immediately turned my head to the person who lives infront of my unit,when I heard her voice.As far as I remembered,she's Aunt Freya.She's a mother of two kids.And she's a teacher in her children's school.

"uhmm..Yes Aunt" I shyly answered.

She sighed." That boy…Yuan, he's not sleeping for several days already.And he's not going out of his apartment since the school vacation started.I am really worried about that kid,but,he's not opening the door on me"

My jaw dropped.

"If it's okay with you,,try to be friend with that boy.Because I'm really worried about him" Aunt Freya smiled at me.

"h-huh?Don't worry aunt, I will try my best" I unconsciously answered as I walked inside of my apartment.

Why me?kidding.

I'm not…good..with being friendly.

Friends huh?

But yeah.. I noticed that it seems like he didn't sleep for several days.But he doesn't have dark undereyes tho?His eyes looks sleepy and tired,but he doesn't have dark undereyes.That's unfair!

"Hah whatever" I said as I lays down on my bed.

"Why do I need to worry for a stranger?" I mumbled.

My soul almost went out of my body when I heard my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered the call.

"Rei honey?Did you already arrived in your new apartment?" It's my mom.

I smiled."Yes,mom"

"Good thing that you didn't got lost" Mom laughed.

My smile faded and turned into a frown.


"I was just joking honey,haha.Anyway, call me when you need my help,okay?Love you"

"Love you too,mom" I said before I ended the call.

Three days,before I go to my new school.I'm already on senior high,geez.Actually, I transfer in the middle of the semester because I need to.My former school,gave me so much nightmares…

After I ate my lunch, I decided to go out to have some fun.I also went to some shops but I ended up not buying anything because…I need to spend my money,wisely.

"woof woof!"

My eyes widened when isaw a dog in the middle of the road.And I saw a fast car approaching it.

I was about to save the dog but someone already saved it.

I immediately ran towards them.

"Is he okay?" I asked, pertaining to the dog.

The guys who saved the dog,looked at me so I did the same.

"Yes yes.Don't worry he's fine"He answered as he watched the dog ran away.It's a stray dog.

"Are you new here?" He asked me.

My eyebrows furrowed.

"How did you know?"

He chuckled." I know the people who lives here"

"What are you?The mayor?" I joked.

"No..But I'm the mayor's son" He smiled.

I was just joking but…whatever.

"What's your name?" He asked me.

"Rei" I answered.

"I'm kean" He smiled so I smiled back.

His phone rang so he said turned his back first, to answer.

"Hello? ... motherfucker!why do you always change your number? ... okay… fine fine.."

I bit my lower lip.

"Sorry Rei, I need to go"

Huh? Why is he apologizing?

Surprised, I just smiled. "Huh? It's okay."

"Bye, and nice to meet you" He said and left, riding his motorbike.

Smiling… I bit my lip. But I quickly slapped my cheek.


In the afternoon, I went home to my apartment. I also bought snacks and fruits and vegetables..we need to be healthy,sissy.

All night I just watched c-drama. But in that night, I didn't really watched well.It's because of the person who lives beside of my apartment!

"Whoo shit!"

"Hahaha what the fuck!"


Annoyed, I stood up,went outside and knocked on the door of the guy who lives beside my apartment. I knocked many times before he finally opened it.And I saw an unexpected person.



Huh? What is going on?

"A-ah hello" I'm confused.

"Hey" he smiled.

"Come in"

My eyes widened on what he said.

He didn't wait for me to answer and dragged me into the apartment.

"W-wait ..."

"What took—" Yuan stopped speaking, it looks like he also stopped playing.He looked at me.

"She's Rei, my girl"

I was stunned by what Kean said while Yuan was just rolled his eyes. He stood up and slapped Kean's arm that was holding me.

"Sorry" He bowed a little to me so I was surprised.

"H-huh !? It's okay" I said shyly.

"Haha sorry Rei" Kean scratched his nape while looking at me.

Yuan looked at me as if he wants me to leave, or something like that.

Embarrassed I said goodbye to them before leaving Yuan's apartment.

Are they friends?

What a small world.


I forgot to tell them to be quiet!

Crazy Rei!!!!


"Geez bro!You scared Rei that's why she left!" Kean punched my arm so I glared at him and went back to playing.

"You're the one who scared her"

Kean laughed at what I said.

"Haha! I was just joking with her and we're friends. And you? I saw her looked at you and then suddenly said goodbye! That's why you don't have a girlfriend, eh"

I ignored him and just focused on playing.

Yeah? She looked at me.But I wasn't trying to scare her, I was just being myself.Am I really scary?