Chapter 4

When I got out of the apartment, Yuan came out of his apartment at the same time.

I looked at him and he looked at me, but he quickly turned his attention back to what he was playing.

Game Freak!

We also entered the elevator down the building at the same time. Sometimes, I looked at him because he's not looking on the road. I was shocked when someone suddenly walked up to me.

"Sup Rei!"

"Hello" I greeted Kean who is now blabbering on Yuan. But his friend doesn't pay attention to him because he's busy playing.

"Rei, I saw you yesterday ah? You're with Chase… then West even kissed your hand!"

I just frowned and nodded.

"Is he flirting with you?"

I nodded and sighed.

"Oh motherf—" He stopped speaking when Yuan glared at him. Kean choked and laughed fakely.

"Ha ha ha ,, I mean… just tell us if he's still bothering you"


Kean messed up my hair. "What do you mean by 'huh' Rei? Of course we were friends, so, we'll protect you. Even though they're members of the student council, I'm still the Mayor's son" he laughed.

I stopped walking and looked down.


I laughed bitterly.

What does friends even mean?

Why do we need to make friends if they also leave us?

Why do they need to act friendly if they will just betray us?


Huh ..?

I found Yuan in front of me.

"Stop thinking about un-important things" he muttered as he walked away.

Kean smiled at me. " I don't know what happened to you in your former school but… .we are here for you, always.We will be your friends, okay? " He said and followed Yuan.

I smiled bitterly and shook my head.


Why am I wearing a headphone?

My eyes widened when I realized something ..

Why did he give me his headphone?

When I arrived at school Hailey immediately greeted me and we entered our classroom together.

Why is she being like this?

She's just my seatmate… ..

"Who did you get your headphones from?" He asked me while pointing at Yuan's headphones that were hanging around my neck.

"Huh? Ah nothing .."

"Lies!… that looks like a gamer's headphone! Omygosh, are you dating someone ?!" He asked while widening her eyes so I immediately shook my head.

"Ofcourse not! "

She laughed at my reaction.

"No need to deny's obvious" She winked at me so I just faked a smile.

"Anyway, do you have a facebook or any social media account?"

"Facebook only..why?"

"Why? Of course since we're bestfriends, we also need to be mutual on facebook duh '! And give me your number too haha"

My eyes widened.

No ..

I'm not..ready .

"Rei! Give me your number!"

"Huh? For what?"

Demi smiled sweetly at me.

"We are bestfriends so! So, let's exchange our contacts"

"Is that how it works, demi?"

"Yes..Mygosh, Rei! You are so clueless really" Demi laughed so I laughed too.

A few months later, her view of me changed.

"Rei! Make us essays, okay? "

"Huh! Why-"

Demi immediately grabbed my hair which made me winced out of pain.

"Do you want to suffer again? Don't ask b*tch, just do what I said"


I looked at Hailey when I heard her speak.

"Are you okay? You look pale" He asked me worriedly.

I just smiled a little and nodded. "I'm fine"

"No..You really look pale"

I laughed. "No, I'm really okay"

She snorted but eventually laughed as well.

After our morning class we decided to eat lunch together, again.And when we came back to our classroom, our classmates said that we are free for the rest of the afternoon class because the teachers have a meeting.

"Girl, I'm going to the gymnasium, you wanna come? "

"Nope" I replied. I know that he will just meet with Chase there so, no thanks.

Carrying my bag, I went to the library. I would have studied there but, there are many students .. I can't study well. So I decided to just study on the rooftop. All the buildings here has rooftop, but the others are restricted.

"Wow" I said and smiled as the cold and strong wind hit me up here.


I saw Yuan sleeping on the bench.

None of my own approached in his direction. I removed the headphone that was hanging around my neck and put it on him. But unexpectedly, he opened his eyes so we made an eyecontact.

"A-ah .." I quickly walked away and averted my eyes.

I felt my cheek heat up with embarrassment.

He got up and rolled his eyes.

"Why ...?" I asked.

"Huh?" He asked me in surprise.

"Why did you give me your headphones?"

He averted his eyes, but did not answer. Even if I asked him a question, he still would not answer.

I just sighed and sat on the floor, on the side. I prefer to study in this position.

While studying, I felt him beside me. And when I glanced at him, I saw him playing.

"What are you playing?" That's my question.

"League of Legends"

I just nodded even though I didn't know that game. I continued to study while he continued to play. I'm not really that studious, I just really need to catch up on our lessons.

After a few hours I felt a little sleepy but I still had to finish copying some notes that I borrowed from Hailey.

"Take a nap" I heard him say that until now he was still playing.

"I have to finish this" I replied and yawned again.

"You've been writing since you arrived here"

"So?" I raised my left eyebrow so he looked at me. He just shook his head and turned his attention back to the game.

After a few more minutes, my eyes suddenly feel heavy. Even though I want to wake up, they are still falling. Until I just let myself fall asleep.

And when my eyes awoke, an orange sky exposed my sight. My eyes widened when I realized it was already late afternoon!

I looked at the guy next to me and I was surprised when I saw Yuan sleeping as well.

Wait ..

Did I fell asleep… on his shoulder?

I covered my face in embarrassment. How many more times will I be ashamed when I'm with this guy?! I glanced at the person next to me who was sound asleep. I'll admit, he's handsome. His complexion is white and he looks rich. His hair is jet black and messy but, it looks good on him. He has a small mole on the side of his right eye.

Wow! What am I talking about ?!

I saw him open his eyes.

He really looks sleep deprived, but why is that? He doesn't have dark under-eyes! You're so unfair earth!

He put his headphones around his neck and stood up, carrying his bag. So, I also stood up, wearing my bag.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

He looked at his cellphone. " 4:48 "He answered which made me widened my eyes.

"W-what ?!"

The school ended at 5 pm! Omygod! How many hours did we sleep?!

I'm already panicking but he's so calm!

"Are you crazy ?!Let's go" I told him and pulled him down to the rooftop.

Only now have I been quick when it comes to the stairs.

"All right, I'll go first to—" I said when we finally got down.I was about to turn my back on him but he pulled my left arm.

"Where are you going?"


"I'll go with you"

I looked at him in surprise. "We're not in the same class."

He ignored me and walked ahead of me. I chased him angrily until we reached my section.

What's on this guy's mind ?!

Yuan knocked on the door so the attention of Miss Brooklyn and my classmates went to him. I saw Hailey's suspicious eyes as she looked at me and Yuan.

"Yuan? Rei? What is the meaning of this? " Miss Brooklyn asked as if she's mad so I stepped back out of nervous. Yuan held my hand,secretly.

I was shocked when he told Miss Brooklyn that I fainted so he brought me to the clinic and I just woke up. At first Miss Brooklyn didn't believe him but in the end she seemed to believe Yuan's reasoning so I got escaped from the punishment.Ms.Brooklyn also told me to go home early to have some rest.

I turned to Yuan. " What about you!? "

He got surprised by my question.


"I will also explain to your teacher—"

"No need… I already texted the school nurse of what happened .." He answered.

I looked at him in confusion but as usual he ignored me and walked away.

"Hey!" I'll chase him.

"What?" He asked.

"You saved me earlier, so ---"

He slightly hit my head. "Don't worry..I won't get punished"

I wanted to ask 'how' ,but he put on his headphones and played again with his phone.

The whole day is over and we walk home together again. It's normal because our unit is close to each other, isn't it? It's normal..normal …..