Chapter 10


After she told her story,she smiled bitterly at me.

"S-sorry..the story is too long—"

I immediately hugged her.


I didn't know that this is what happened to her in her former school.

In my whole life, I have never encountered anything like this. My world just revolves around gaming.

But when i met her, a lot of things changed.

"W-what .." she said shyly.

I also quickly moved away when I felt embarrassed.

"So you have now a courage to hug me huh" She's glaring at me now.


She smacked my head a little so I looked at her.

"you! Y-you've been cold to me!" She told me,as if she's mad or something.

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Why are you blaming me? You're the one who pushed me—" I coughed when I noticed the sadness on her face. "—You know what? Let's just forget about that.We're friends now right?" I smirked a little when she blushed.

I looked into her puffy eyes from crying.

"Does it hurt?"

"What?" She asked.

"Your eyes"

"Quite. But I'm okay"

I nodded.

"Go to sleep" I told her.

"I'm not sleepy"

"I don't care.Just sleep.Rest your eyes, shorty"

"What shorty !?"

I ignored her and took something out of my bag.

My headphones.

I approached Rei and put the headphones on her.

"Hey what the heck—" She was stunned when I played my playlist on spotify.

"Sleep" I told her.

She pouted and lays down while listening to my playlist. I also left my cellphone on the table next to her clinic bed.

When I noticed that she's already sleep, I shook my head and secretly smiled and then pulled back the curtains to go out.

"What the .." My eyebrows met immediately when I noticed who were waiting.

Hailey and Yeri are crying while Kean, Chase and West are deep in thought.

I sighed.

They obviously heard about Rei's past.

"I can't believe that's what happened to her" Kean said.

"I'm a bad friend… I'm so bad .. I don't deserve to be Rei's friend" Hailey said sobbing as Chase calmed her down.

"Let's stop crying… Let's just support and be Rei's friends .." Yeri said while wiping her tears.

I left the clinic first and went to the rooftop to freshen up.


"I'm sorry..Rei" Hailey hugged me while crying.

I smiled.

"I understand you Hailey..okay—"

"What's okay !? Huhuhu— I'm really sorry"

I smiled when I saw them next to me.

Hailey, Kean, West and Chase.

As well as Yeri.

They apologized to me even though they didn't really do anything wrong. They also said they heard what Yuan and I talked about my past.

But I'm happy that we're friends again ..


I smiled.

I've finally found real friends ..

"Thank you" I said to Yuan as we walked home.

He stopped playing and removed his headphones and hung them around his neck.

Tsh, he always does that.

"Why are you thanking me?" He asked.

"Thank you because you helped me… because you accompanied me..and because, y-you didn't leave me"

"Hmm… no problem" It nodded.

I stopped walking and blushed because of what I remembered. He hugged me earlier! Not just once!


He also stopped walking and just turned to my direction.

I took a deep breath before shyly looking at him. Actually, I'm looking in the other direction… I can't look at him in his eyes!

"You good?"

"L-let's go home" I said and quickly walked ahead of him.

When we got home to our own apartment. I immediately took a shower and changed my clothes.

A lot of things happened today.

I'm happy that we all got back together..I'm happy that they didn't leave me. I'm glad that I met them.

I opened my messenger because of series of notifications coming from it.


Hailey Porch added you to the group.

Hailey Porch added Chase Xavier to the group.

Hailey Porch added West Austin to the group.

Hailey Porch added Kean Mendoza to the group.

Hailey Porch set her nickname to Chase's Baby ❤️

I immediately frowned but laughed at the same time.

Group chat… This is the first time to be in a group chat, with my friends ..

Chase's Baby❤️'s: Guys !! What is the name of Yuan's facebook account? !!!!

Kean Mendoza: wait, I'm going to add him.

Kean Mendoza added Yuan to the group.

I don't know why I'm doing this, but I immediately stalked Yuan's name on facebook.

We're not friends on facebook yet, including Hailey, We're not mutual on facebook yet. I immediately added Hailey, Kean, West and Chase on facebook before I returned to Yuan's profile. It's private. I clicked his profile picture and I suddenly blushed. Why am I stalking him !?

Okay fine..His handsome on his profile.Well, he's just wearing a hoodie there and as usual his headphones are hanging around his neck while looking at the camera seriously.

He's wearing all black.

I went back to the messenger and I saw a lot of unread messages from our gc.


I'm handsome: I'm busy, but when my bro, Yuan, comes, I'll come too haha

Mr.Hottie: When Rei is coming,I'll come too.

Hailey's Baby❤️: Count me in!

I immediately typed a message.

Rei my love: Count me in too!

I immediately frowned because of my nickname.

Rei my love removed her nickname.

Rei Gomez set her nickname as Rei.

Rei: Who set my nickname?

Hailey's Baby❤️'s : West

Mr.Hottie: Hehe peace

Chase's Baby❤️: What about you Yuan?Are you coming?

Yuan: aight

I'm handsome: VERYGOOD!!And because of that,I'll come too

Mr.Hottie: Since Rei is coming,count me in!!

Suddenly a notification popped up on my phone.

I almost dropped my cellphone in shock.

Yuan accepted your friend request.

Wait ..

WAIT !!!


I didn't send a friend request to him!

Freak, I might have accidentally sent him a friend request