The Upcoming Siege

William and Anna was able to clear the middle house, while capturing Vera in the process. Anna was dragging Vera to the ground, she was merciless dragging her, her bruise face was being dragged through the hard concrete of the road.

"Gruppenführer! We have cleared the main house, and not a single communist." Ingrid reported, which Ursula and Karin also said the same, it seems only the middle house was occupied by the enemies.

"Gruppenführer who is that?" Manfred ask while pointing at Vera who was unconscious.

"A prisoner, we're going to leave her at the higher ups now and Interrogate her for some useful information." While grabbing Vera in her right hand.

"Let us carry her." Peter stated, which Vera just gave it to them.

Peter then grabs Vera around her shoulders, while Manfred helped and this time she grabs her both at her legs. Since she's unconscious she would be waking up later at noon, or even evening.

"Let's hurry up, we need to push the enemies towards there heart as close as possible to make them initially surrender." Anna suggested, which Peter and Manfred nodded, while Karin, Ursula and Ingrid follow the two of them, leaving William and Anna behind once more.

"You're holding back a lot huh?" Anna said, which William just answered bluntly.


"I see, don't worry I won't report those trivial actions. Not all have the power to move and make the consequences, but sometimes you need those emotion to finally let go of them. Because who ever hesitated first in the war, shall be the first victim." Anna said, while just she just tap him in his shoulders which calm him down.

"Yeah... but despite already killing someone... I still feel heavy and... frighten by my situation." He said, which Anna just grabs him in his shoulders.

"You're still the same William I know... always worrying something such trivial even you don't know them, it's a proof that you are still human that knows the value of the others, unlike me who is already went beyond those walls, and regretted them. But if I stop now, those consequences of holding back would hurt the ones who I am protecting from behind." Anna stated, which woke up William from the inside.

William's memory just flash right before his eyes, he saw the invasion of Poland for he was in the Frontline, where he shot down the soldiers of Poland, while also taking some prisoners along the way, he saw some people killing the unharmed soldiers, unlike him who shouted and raise there hands to surrender to him.

William was just any ordinary soldier throughout the war, he was hesitant to shoot the trigger. He was grieving on all those people he killed, he who prayed for them in the afterlife no matter who they are.

"William... you're truly a kind man." He said it to the past William.

"I will promise you to survive this war, and I will keep it no matter what." William swore his oath.

"This situation seems reversed now, the old days you were the one who always comfort us, now it's my turn to help you my friend." Anna said, which cause William to suddenly cry.

This was the old William's reaction that overwhelm the current one. He can't stop his cries of help and pain that he endured.

"I don't even know why I am crying anymore." William was taken back. But he stood stronger than anything.

"Now this is a first of seeing you cry like this." Anna said, while smiling knowing that he was still here.

"Thank you for everything William." Anna said, while letting him go for now.

After that, Anna and William then returned towards back to their camp. Meanwhile that is unknown to them, Ingrid, and Karin who saw them being closer than before.

"Is it just me? or does our Gruppenführer so soft on William? I mean they know each other since the beginning but isn't that a bit close?" Ingrid ask.

"That I don't know, but knowing our Frauen Gruppenführer is a strict and scary leader, but to think she has a softer side that is only available for him? Do you think they are in that states of relationship?" Karin said.

"Nah! I don't think so! Well perhaps maybe so? I don't know! I wanted to know! but I might get scolded by her." Ingrid said.

"How about William? He seems easy to approach to." Karin suggested.

"He kinda is, but for some reason if I talk to him I couldn't even answer most of them his questions." Ingrid answered truthfully.

"Well, his way of speaking is complicated it's like trying to answer a riddle sometimes. That's how I see him."

"Now you said it, he kinda is the type of person on who would do that."

"You guys sure are in the rights to talk like that?" Someone from behind said those, which causes the two to flinch and jumped.

"Haaa!" Both of them scream, while Peter was laughing.

"I can't believe! you guys got scared of me! this is why you guys should lower your voices down more!" Peter said who sit beside them, while holding a cup of coffee.

"Where did you even got that mug?" Ingrid ask.

"Oh this? I stole it on one of the house." Peter said with such arrogance.

"What!? seriously and here I thought you have some manners, to think you would steal someone's property inside the war." Ingrid who bluntly remarks.

"Pssht! We're at war, looting anything is already a good sign for us. Plus we are occupying Minsk right now and there is a lot of stuff we can take!" Peter said with such confidence.

"So you guys are now stealing?" It was Anna who was standing behind Peter. He was sweating in fear, he didn't expect her to be standing behind him.

"Umm..." Peter was shaking his hand.

"I'll ignore those for now. Now then we would continue our advance 1 day from now. We have been given a 1 day rest from the commands due to the success of capturing Minsk." This cause everyone to be happy as they finally some proper breaks.

"Now with that in mind, we would be advancing and sieging Mogilev for now, but we won't be alone with the 8th Panzer Division is covering for our advance, while we are going to move within the 215th Infantry division."

"That's a lot of divisions." Peter stated.

"It is, and it's going to be expect some heavily forces around it, but we have already gotten Kiev, now we're just going to encircle Mogilev, and another city would fall in Belarus." Anna added.

"Now with that in mind, get some rest tomorrow is your free day so I hope to see you guys be lively after that day." Anna then stood up, and leaving them behind.

While William was somewhere around the camp, and just exploring the camp on his time.

"Perhaps my emotions and the old past of this body is overlapping with each other? I really can't tell anymore at this point." He just sighed, he look into the and it remind him about his past actions.