The Day Before the Siege 2

Anna and William were watching the fight, as Peter and Manfred were exchanging blows with each other. Manfred who exerted his right arm with enough force to break through the defense of Peter.

Peter grunts in pain, but he was determined, Manfred threw his left arm. Peter then ducked under it, and he swung his right arm making it an uppercut, while the uppercut connected through the chin of Manfred.

The crowd cheered, as the two soldiers were not giving up. But for William he is noticing that each swings, he wonders why they look so slow, is there something wrong with his eyes? 

He could see Manfred was about to swing another one towards the right chest of Peter, but it was slow. While for Peter he threw another punch but this time, he was aiming at his face.

The two connected their punches, as the two were blown by the force of their first, and knocked back for only a meter. Manfred was bleeding inside his mouth, while for Peter he was having a hard time to breathe and his heartbeat had been beating so quick.

"Just give up Peter!" It was Ingrid who was shouting.

"Go Peter." It was Ursula who was cheering for him.

"The two are in a stalemate, but Manfed is going to lose at this rate, he has taken a big risk in the face."  Anna who is deducing all of the connected blows on each other's body.

While William was silent throughout the whole fight, he was cheering for both of them but he was too occupied through reaction speed. 

He keeps seeing them very slowly, since this didn't occur when he was facing the Soviet.

Manfred goes for the right hook and it connects, causing Peter to bleed out on his mouth. It was slowly getting heated up. 

"Those two!? Are they killing each other now!?" Anna was about to interfere.

Until William stopped him, for a moment. "William!?" She shouted, while He just pointed out that Peter just raises his hand in defeat. 

"I surrender." Peter said, while Manfred just fell down and just smiled and he won.

Anna on the other hand approached the two of them. "Uh Oh…" Ursula and Ingrid said at the same time.

"The two of you, in my office right now." Anna who is enraged at the two's actions.

Anna drags both of them in their collars towards her office, as she will give them a mouthful of scolding about almost killing each other for a simple spar. They had gone too far, but for William he was curious he went towards a sandbag which is specifically to train their strengths.

He was curious about how strong he is, ever since that time where he was able to break something, but he couldn't remember it.

He went and tried a single throw of his fist into the sandbag, and as the loud muffled blast of fist echoed through the body of the sandbag, causing it to fly upwards.

He was surprised, that kind of force alone was enough to knock everyone in the face no matter who they were. He was shocked on how that is even possible to begin with. A normal human, and body he has would be impossible as he didn't have any techniques of facing hand to hand combat that could essentially knock them out in a single strike. 

Perhaps it's related to his genes, or something he thought. But that would still be impossible, but he just decided to rest for now as trying to speculate more of his newfound strength would drain his mental capacity in the war.

Since he was reminiscing about the people he had killed, he was only filled with adrenaline but those adrenaline had slowly lost its effect.

He wasn't sure on how to continue for now, but his will and the will of the original soul of this body, he will fulfill it and survive this war. No matter what, despite the cruel ideology and reasonings of his country, he will survive. 

But something about his past hasn't felt right yet, something is missing even himself could feel it. But he couldn't remember what the missing piece was.

He was determined to know, but his first priority was to survive for now, and prepare his mental health and body for the siege of Mogilev. 

Somewhere in the roads, you could see the 8th Panzer Division, it was filled with Panzer 4 Ausf H, and Panzer 3 Ausf M. Along with some supply trucks in the back.

Then the 215th Infantry division are now moving towards in a line, and in the back was filled with trucks, and artillery pieces for the sieges of Mogilev.

They know they will encounter multiple heavy armored divisions, and fortified houses. 

So this time, they will be helped by the Luftwaffe Division. The siege of Mogilev must succeed in just a month, before they push through anything.




Inside a cell, you could see Vera has been tortured, multiple bruises and marks that swelled up. She was bloody and wounded and some of them had multiple cuts of layers, just to spill some information, but nothing came out.

Vera stayed still and fought for the end, and stayed true to her words. She was invincible to break.

"It seems she's a tough one to crack. But, it seems we have no more time with her. Execute her." Said by one of the Commanding officers.

A soldier then approached Vera who was conscious and hanging by her last breath. "You Nazi Who-" Before she could finish her words, a soldier pulled out her P-38 Luger and pulled the trigger, as the bullet flew inside the head of Vera and came out at the back of her head and hit the wall in the process.

"It's done." The female soldier stated.

The Commanding officer just sighs in disappointment as he didn't find any useful information from her. 

"Dispose the body, I don't want it to reek inside the cell."