7th Land "Met his dream love"(PartII)

Jo was feeling complexed because this time, he actually woke up in the real world not into any other stage of dream and still he was on that same dreamland, in the same stage …and here the first scene was just flashed in front of his eyes and then he was in that classroom …

First of all, let's discuss what was the scene that just flashed out in front of his eyes …

It was the same playground from the previous dream with all the same things but this time, the presence of that friend whom presence he was just feeling earlier …this time, he saw him …

That was his friend, who actually had died in the real world and he was just simply standing there at a little far so that he wouldn't get hurt by the football while Jo and everyone else were playing …

And, now …this scene …

Here, Joshwa was sitting in the classroom and all of the students were looking outside of the class …(something was happening there) …

How was the classroom …:

Well, There were 4 rows and each row had 5 desks…Jo was sitting on the first desk of the second row and let me tell you about only some people about whom he was aware of at that period of time …

"Time" the most complex thing, activity,process whatever we can call it … It does run differently in dreamlands …

Anyway, so on the left side of Jo, there were his two friends on the first desk of third row who were probably his actual classmates in the real world and on his right side, om the firt desk of the firt row …he was weirdly happy to see them in the class …there were two girls sitting on that desk …who were actually his neighbours in the real world …one of them looked at Jo and found he was looking at her so she smiled with showing respect I'm her eyes then Jo also smiled back to her and felt so sweetly happy now …

Okay, so outside of the class…what was going on …??

Well, nothing incredible …it was just a teacher of the school, a big/giant teacher …who was trying to manage the students to be calm and quiet …as they should be, specially when they're in a school …

And …some more things were happening Jo thought and quiet got aware about them and he was trying to understand what else were happening there then but immediately he noticed that same teacher just entered into his classroom …

And he went to the 4th row and started scolding and beating the students due to so man different reasons …like a student was looking weak so he put his stick on him(so harsh) and one student was not dressed well so he got beaten …that's how so he told all those students to go outside and he was gonna come there and talk to him about that nd at last there were only 3 students left in third and fourth row, one was Jo's friend and two others were some backbenchers …

Now, the teacher came to Jo …Jo was extremely scared but guess what …that teacher just looked at him and then started dealing with backbenchers of the first and the second row and after that those both sisters who were neighbours of Joshwa , the teacher told them to leave the class respectfully because he had to lie down on that desk …

And, then the teacher started talking to Jo and told him that he was also not dressed well and also he was not looking healthy(and he already had beaten some students because they were not looking healthy) but he didn't get angry on Jo instead he started to explain him making him understand about some things and gave some suggestions on health and dressing up …

Then, the dream took Jo to the next phase of that scene and he was near the second gate of that classroom with a girl…*The girl*, who, he had never seen before, neither in the dreamlands nor in the real world …the name of that girl was starting from letter "P" …(Jo forgot the actual name though, let's call her only P then…)

So, Jo and P were being romantic …looking into each other's eyes …and Jo was really feeling her like …she was actually a part of him …they were not kissing, they were not hugging, okay hugging a little bit or maybe more…yeah! More…but it was soft it was so soft …

Both were like wrapped up from each other to each other …the feeling Jo had, it was really unexplainable they were all onto each other …Jo was smelling her so deeply …and then looking into her eyes …they were not actually touching to each other not kissing, it was just like they are really two parts of a single soul(yes a single sould not a body, isn't this feeling so beautiful ❤️) … Jo was smelling her, keep looking in her eyes like he was in there, and overall he was completely feeling her …it was a feeling of true love with purity, with integrity in a never ending moment … It was the best feeling Jo ever had in any world at that moment of time …

Still sometimes, Jo just thinks about her and that brings "a smile to his face, a twinkle to his eye, and a skipped beat to his heart."

We know, it was a dream, and who knows what happens next here, it can be terrible,horrible… it can be adorable, ravishing, glamourous or seductive or maybe feels winsome …But Overall

It's gonna be awesome …

This was the 7th land …

This is ShivamTheGreat…and

I am awesome …..🤘🏻