Chapter 5

Ten days...

I trained vigorously for those ten days, hunting for hours as I desperately wanted to gain as much power as possible. The tourney was a big event in the history of Westeros and people from all seven kingdoms were going to be there.

Anything was possible when so many egotistical has beens with their swords right up their asses gathered at one place. I wasn't one to take any flak from some snobs. So, it was better that I stayed far away from them.

By the end of the tenth day, my stats had risen.

[Name: Allan (Human)

Title: The hunter, the savage

Class: Assassin

Level: 61

Health: 260/260

Energy: 260/260

STR: 38

DEX: 44 (192)


VIT: 40

Unspent points: 245

ATK: 592

EVA: 573

SPD: 582

DMG: 623

PHY DEF: 434


Reflexes: 948

Willpower: 926

Fortitude: 742

Vigour: 743

Cunning: 784

Hand to hand: 737

Dagger skill: 919

Sword skill: 831

Spear skill: 798

Axe skill: 765

Hammer skill: 753

Archery: 789

Poisoning: 485

Advanced Silat (58%)

Advanced HEMA (85%)

Expert survival (65%)

Expert hunting (87%)

Expert crafting (89%)

Advanced cooking (32%)

Expert free running (63%)

Expert smithing (26%)

Expert smelting (19%)

Intermediate masonry (45%)


Expert common tongue (18%)

Beginner High Valyrian (54%)


Sneak attack: lvl 14 (Cooldown: 5 sec)

Hide: lvl 14 (Cooldown: 30 sec)

Pummel: lvl 6 (Cooldown: 2 sec)

Assassinate: lvl 12 (Cooldown: 45 sec)

Fast reflexes: lvl 5 (Cooldown: 30 sec)

Quick strike: lvl 5 (Cooldown: 2 sec)

Expose weakness: lvl 5 (Cooldown: 10 sec)]

So far, I had saved a lot of stat points for harder times. Especially when I would be joining the war.

Loading my carts with the animal carcasses, I made my way to the castle of Harrenhal.


The road was muddy from the rain and the town was bustling with activity.

"Oye! It's Allan!"

"Blorgen, how's the lady now?"

"Ah, she's doin' much betta'. What'd ya' bring today, hunter?!"

"The lord ordered for some stags and boars for the tourney."

While we were chatting, a convoy of rich nobles was making its way to the castle.

"Stark! I bet I could drink twice as many flagons of ale than your arse!!"

"Fuck off, Baratheon! You couldn't out drink me even with Ned joining you!"

"Bah! Ned can't fucking drink even if a fucking whore offered it to him through her cunt!!"

The two laughed at the expense of 'Ned' while to girl riding next to them had a look of disgust. When they reached near me, Baratheon shouted, "Move the fucking cart out of the way or your face will meet my hammer!"

'I'm going to kill him. Future be damned.'

I took my time to look at them and exclaimed, "Huh?! The whore houses are on the other side! Oh, wait.. You're a man.."

Everyone around him laughed uproariously and I quickly left, not wanting to make him hold a grudge against me for beating him senseless. As I reached the castle, the guards stopped me and said, "Allan! What'd you got in there?"

"Come on, help me get these to the kitchen. It's deer and boar, for the feast."

"I still can't believe how you manage to hunt so many of 'em."

"You get used to it when you live in the wild for as long as me."

The guard chuckled and yelled to the others, "Oye! The savage brat's here again! Come on!"

I never liked being called a savage, but, again, it was better to stay quiet when you are a nobody. The guards helped bring all the carcasses to the kitchens and I was escorted to see Whent in his solar.

'If I didn't know that Whent is as straight as a line and despises pedophiles, I'd be out of Westeros faster than he could yell for me to suck his dick.'

Anyway, the guard escorting me knocked on the door and I was asked to enter the solar.

"Hunter! I was looking forward to your visit!" When happily exclaimed.

Ignoring his strange, happy behavior, I simply said, "Lord Whent, I've brought eight stags and fifteen boars."

The smile on his face only grew wider and he leaned back into his chair and said with a nod, "Wonderful! I simply can't fathom how you do it, hunter. My men can't hunt even if it'll get them laid with the best whore at Harrenhal!"

I remained stoic as the man guzzled down a goblet of mead.

"Ah... Come on! drink some of this mead! It's going to be served in the feast and during the tourney!"

'A grown ass man offering alcohol to a fourteen year old. Dude's sus.'

"I don't drink ale, lord Whent. It dulls the senses and it will affect me when I hunt."

"Alright! Then, stay for the feast! Your lord commands you to attend!"

I nodded and listened to his drunk ass brag about his first hunt, his experience with whores and how they moaned when they were under him. I left as quickly as I could. Being alone with him was very dangerous.

'Don't tell me his reward for me was his prick. Blegh!! Fuck your reward! Go bugger a pig or a goat or something! I'm leaving this place after the tourney!!'


I stayed in the corner of the hall with the guards and silently had my food. It was a big feast organised by Whent and a lot of nobles could be seen laughing, singing, dancing, drinking and trying to fuck the maids. Some were flirting with the ladies while some boasted about their 'conquests'.

... It was mostly Robert Baratheon and Brandon Stark.

'What useless cooks. At least marinate the fucking meat before you cook it! Fucking savages.'

It was an utterly boring night. Everywhere my eyes went, I'd see some prick trying his best to get under a lady's skirt, be she a lowborn or a highborn.


Perhaps, I wasn't the only one in that hall who was having those thoughts about those noble pricks. The young Stark girl had a similar expression as mine as she stabbed a piece of meat on her plate while trying to edge away from her betrothed.

'Such open disgust and her family completely ignores her. No wonder she got swept away by the first man who managed to charm her. When all you see are rotten fruits, you'd throw yourself at the first normal looking one even if it has been half eaten by flies.'

The future king of the seven kingdoms was an absolute disgrace. Shaking my head, I finished eating the apple in my hand and left for the tavern to sleep for the night.