Chapter 2

'Okay.. What to do. What to do. What to do! Oh god, I'm so dead! Facing four fucking savages in a child's body? I could wait for them to leave. Yeah, let's do that. The level disparity is way too big and I don't think I can resurrect after I die.'

So, I chose to wait. The four men looked around and made their way to the forest. They knew I had a weapon given the stab wound on the dead man's neck. With their swords drawn, they began yo clear the shrubs from their way.

"Do we really need our swords? It's a fucking kid!"

"Shut your mouth, you brat fucker! Kid's got a knife."

"Hey! I don't fuck brats!"

"Oh, yeah? Tell that to the one you fucked till the little shit died, in our last raid!"

"Just, fuck off!"

Apparently, one of them liked kids like myself. I had all the more reason to hide from them. I waited for an undetermined amount of time and the sun had begun to set. Yet, they had not shown any intentions of leaving.

'They're going to camp for the night! Fuck!'

I was hungry and tired. Sleep had begun to cloud my mind and I had to pinch myself again and again to stop myself from falling asleep.

'I have to do something.'

The dark of the night had devoured the light. I took advantage of the heavy cover of the shrubs and the dark and slowlyclimbed down the tree. The four men were busy eating and drinking as they sat around the fire.

The two castle forged daggers were in my hands and I was ready to use them. It was nerve wrecking as I waited for them to drown themselves in a drunken stupor. Slowly, one by one, they fell asleep.

I wasn't buying it for a second. I knew very well how cunning people could be. I didn't take the bait and waited for one of them to get up for the purpose of emptying his bladder. Given the amount of ale they had drunk, it was bound to happen.

Right as I predicted, one of them got up and rushed towards some bushes.

'It's now or never.'

Quiet as a cat, I prawled my way towards him. The minute sounds of my feet were drowned by the sound of his piss hitting the dry leaves on the forest floor.

I was in range. With my eyes trained at the nape of his neck, I bent my knees and jumped, barely managing to reach the height of his neck and jammed the dagger right at the base of his skull.

'Sneak attack.'

He was dead before his body hit the ground.

[Skill learned: Hide

Draw upon your cunning ability to hide from enemies for one minute. No one will be able to see or attack you, though attacking cancels the effect.

Stat: Dexterity

Energy: 3


Random Ironborn scum killed.

Due to huge level disparity, experience gained has been increased by 500%

Exp gained: 25,000

You have leveled up.

lvl: 8 ---> 26

Exp req to lvl up: 7,000

Stat points: 130

SP: 26

Dagger: 89

Cunning: 68

willpower: 32]

My heard was drumming against my sternum as I looked at the dead man at my feet. For the first time, I had taken a life. I rushed to a bush nearby and used 'Hide' before my diaphragm began to spasm and I heaved. It was a good thing that I hadn't eaten anything.

It took me a while to settle. I returned to the body of the man I had killed and took the axe from his waist along with another castle forged dagger.

It was time to select my class.

[Select class

Warrior: Learn skill 'Shatter'- Smash through your opponent's guard, reducing their defense and increase chance of landing a critical hit and increased damage dealt for one minute.

Berserker: Learn skill 'Frenzy'- Go into a frenzy for five minutes, increasing your attack and melee damage.

Archer: Learn skill 'Rapid shot'- Concentrate your mind to speed up your bow attacks.

Marksman: Lean skill 'Longshot'- Shoot from a long distance and deal lethal damage.

Rogue: Learn skill 'Sharpen weapons'- Increased damage for five minutes.

Assassin: Learn skill 'Assassinate'- Deal lethal damage with a brutal strike of your dagger]

It was a big decision to make, but, I chose to go with the class, Assassin.

I made my way to the camp, having reused my skill 'Hide'. Quietly and slowly, I placed a piece of cloth on the mouth of the nearest man and slowly slit his throat. He struggled, but, I didn't let him make much noise and he died moments later.

Again, I used 'Hide' after its cooldown was over and made my way to the next one. Slow and steady, I placed the cloth on his mouth and slit his throat as well.

[lvl: 34

Stat points: 170

SP: 34]

The last one was the strongest amongst the four.

I added ten points to 'Sneak attack', eight to 'Assassinate', four to 'Pummel' and ten to 'Hide'. I kept two SP for emergency use.

With my grip around my dagger tightened, I lunged at the sleeping Ironborn and used 'Assassinate'.

My body blurred into action and the dagger in my hand shot towards him at the blinding speed of a snake's attack. The brutal skill tore into the man's chest and stabbed through the man's heart, instantly ending his life.

[You have leveled up.

lvl: 34 ---> 36

Stat points: 180

SP: 4]

I had eliminated the immediate threat. But, life in the jungle wasn't that simple. Once you've managed to kill your prey, the smell of blood was bound to attract scavengers and other predators to steal your food.

There was no way I was going to stay near the dead bodies. I took their coin purses, belts, boots, capes, armours and weapons along with the left over food and bolted from the scene.

I ran for what felt like an hour before I could no longer run. When it came to survival, an animal could go to great lengths for it. Sleep was long forgotten by my body.

Given that the Ironborn had followed the wreckage of the slavers ship, I was on the west coast of Westeros. I had no idea about the timeline or the distance to the nearest settlement. I gorged on the cooked rabbit that I had stolen from the warm corpses of the Ironborn and guzzled down an entire waterskin bottle.

Then I climbed up a tall tree and rested on the tickest branch. I covered myself in a blanket and tied myself to the branch so that I didn't fall to my death while asleep.

'Leave tomorrow's problems to tomorrow's me.'

Finally, the adrenaline waned off and I fell asleep.


A/N: 'Tis a multiverse travel fanfic but MC doesn't know that...

... Don't tell him.