Chapter 8

I looked at the wild wolf like he was out of his mind. Who would offer such a thing to a stranger?! My eye twitch at his stupidity before I said, "A boon, huh? Make me a lord in the North and give me a castle."

Robert spat out the ale he was busy drinking while Ned almost lost his footing.

"A lord?!" Robert asked with shock and anger. "A fucking nobody who has lived his life as a bumbling savage wants to be a lord?! Boy! You are biting much more that you can possible chew!"

I knew about what he was actually worried as his eyes darted wildly towards Lyanna.

'He was already insecure about it. Means that he knows he's a trash womaniser and a prideful girl like Lyanna won't like him for that. And rightfully so.'

Brandon had an unreadable expression. Being a Stark, honor was what defined his house. He had given his word and it was really possible for him to make me a lord. There were many abandoned castles in the North and having another lord under their banner would only bolster their strength. I wasn't expecting him to agree, but...

Brandon nodded and said, "I will have to discuss it with my lord father as I am his heir, not Lord Stark himself. I give you my word that I will try my best to pursuade him. If not, I will wecome you to our household with open arms, should you desire that."

Robert was fuming in anger while Lyanna simply seemed excited over the prospect of having me join their household. Ned was unreadable and Whent looked like a kid who had lost his toy.

'Good riddance.'

As I got up and picked my axe from the ground, Robert yelled, "Boy! I want you to take part in the melee for the tournament. I will not have an incompetent savage defend the lands of my brother, Ned!"

I cleched my jaw and reign in my anger. The man was asking for a beating of his lifetime.

[Apex aura activated]

I squared my shoulders and said, "I saved lady Stark from a shadowcat, armed with nothing but my hands and I made the animal submit against my hold. I've defended these lands from bandits and raiders for the last four years. Lord Whent can tell you how many I've single handedly killed. I killed over a dozen bandits within moments just over a while ago right in front of you. Do you still question my ability?"

"K-Killing a bunch of untrained and weak plebians doesn't make you competent! I bet you can't even last against a squire, much less a knight."

I had finally reached the threshold of my patience. I looked at Whent and said, "I'll be entering the melee. Make sure you warn the men from your household. If anyone dies, well, it'll be their fault for going against me."

I picked up my spear and the machete that I had given to Lyanna and swiftly walked away. I heard Robert make fun of me being a savage nobody and an ambitious scum who would stab the Starks in the back. I walked away faster, not wanting to hear more from the drunk.

'Fuck him. He deserves to be cucked.'


The tourney was going to be held for over ten whole days. There were going to be feasts, songs and plays, jousts, melee and horse riding events. Whent had gone out of his way to organise a tourney that was going to be remembered as the greatest in the history.

I spend hours on conditioning myself, doing power lifts with metal weights, training my legs, arms, wrists, my core, neck and my back. I was leaving no stone unturned in my hunger for more strength and dexterity. Doing complicated parkour moves and gymnastics was my go to method for higher flexibility.

Finally, a day before the tourney would begin...

[Player has reach a milestone.

STR: 50

DEX: 50

Congratulations for reaching the milestone without using stat points for STR and DEX.

Player has unlocked:

Blunt damage resistance: lvl 1- Gain 10% resisteance to blunt force trauma. With compact muscles and denser bones, you are a packet of explosive power, capable of withstanding blows that would normally shatter bones.

The line between human and superhuman has begun to blur. Do you have what it takes?

Superhuman strength: lvl 1- gain 10% more physical damage, attack and strength.

You have gained a title:

Fastest man on Planetos: Gain 20% more speed, reflexes and evasion. While you may not be the strongest, you are the fastest man alive]

I could feel the boost in my body. The power, waiting to be released upon my enemies and utterly crush them. I had to test my power before entering the melee. So, I picked up a staff made of ironwood and ventured into the woods in search for prey.

Not long after, I snuck upon a cave that was being used as a base by bandits.

"Those fucking lords. Killing our men and leaving their bodies for the animals to feast upon.. *Spit* We must avenge our brothers!"


"Our vengeance will begin with Whent. Tonight, we will sneak in and take his pretty daughter for ourselves! That'll show those lords not to mess with us!!"


'They're dumber than the red necks.'

[Apex aura activated]

[Used skill 'Fast reflexes']

Sadly their declaration was for naught as I decended upon them like a shadow wraith. They didn't even get to react before I bashed their heads in with the staff. Sadly, it broke after two hits from the force and I had to improvise.

The bandits weren't wearing any armor. It was a perfect opportunity for me to hone my skills in silat.

I punched the first bandit directly on the throat and crushed his trachea along with breaking his hyoid bone. Blood burst out of his ears and mouth like a fountain. The next one was about to raise his sword when I kicked him in the liver followed by repeatedly kneeing him in the diaphragm. I could hear his ribs and sternum crack and crunch against my knee.

The next one raised his sword. I grabbed his wrist and twisted it so hard that his hand got deformed by more than 180°. He screamed as I struck his arm and dislocated it before I grabbed his head and snapped his neck. The sickening crunch could be heard through the screams of the men.

The smell of piss, blood and shit filled the air as I went through each one of them like a ghost.

They couldn't put much of a fight as I was too fast for their minds to process. The beating they endured was brutal. Broken jaws, crooked limbs, crushed throats and smashed ribs was the result of the violence I'd inflicted upon them.

It was one hell of a massacre. I had single handedly slaughtered twenty armed men within a minute.

I didn't even have to put too much of an effort to achieve such results.

'Very strong. If I use this much strength in the tourney, I won't need a sharp edged blade to behead someone. Alas, I don't think they kill in the tourneys of Westeros. Accidental deaths, sure. Aerys will arrive only during the jousts. So, I can flex as much as I want in the melee.'

I was ready for the tourney.


A/N: I have 3 other fanfics that have been completed so you can go check em out. I have some works in progress as well. All of my work is free and I don't ask for money on patreon.

Do give my stories a read. I've written them with all of my heart. Thanks.